Thursday, 6 October 2016

My favourite present! #Blogtober16

I am taking part in Blogtober16 and will be writing posts with various themes/prompts throughout October....Today's prompt is: Favourite Christmas/Birthday present ever!!

I actually have two favourite presents but they are both the same thing.

When I was two or three years old I got a trampoline. It is the first Christmas I can ever remember. It wasn't wrapped but it had all of my presents on it....

A few years later. I was about 8 or 9 years old again at Christmas my parents bought me a trampoline. A big 5ft by 5ft one....Similar to the one below. 

There was no padding on it and no net like they have now a days...In the 80's there was no such thing as health and safety. hehehe

On Christmas morning I came downstairs and again all my presents were on it. I opened my presents on the trampoline, threw a huge tantrum when I was asked to get off it for Christmas dinner. My parents just wanted an easy Christmas day so I was allowed to eat on it....I spent all day on it.

When Christmas was over it was just flipped up and lent against the living room wall. I got the hang of just pulling it down and playing on it....It's a good job my mother had a lot of patience. I don't think I could have a trampoline in my living room.....

I remember having the trampoline for years.....When we moved to the farm it came with us. That's when the fun started. My brother and I would jump off the chicken sheds onto it and into paddling pools off it....

We eventually wore it out. The springs started to break and it was eventually taken away in a skip. That was a sad day!


  1. I would have loved a trampoline when I was little! Bear has one, like your first one :-) #Blogtober16

  2. Awww you were a proper bouncing baby and child hehehe! It's tough tearing the kids away from their toys to eat Christmas dinner, I bet you get that now too :)

    1. hehehe! I was.
      Yep! It is exactly the same here on Christmas

  3. I think we're on the verge of buying a trampoline for Short Rib - he's got a taste for the one at nursery! Will probably have to get one with netting! #Blogtober16

    1. Oh yes! Netting is a good idea...
      I don't know how my parents didn't have a fit when I was on mine without the netting. lol

  4. What a fab present! I have been wondering about getting a trampoline for my kids but am a bit worried it will end in a trip to A&E!

    1. hehehe! I never injured myself and I was a bit of a daredevil.

  5. I wish I had had one! Evie has one at her dads and loves it! Theyre such good fun #blogtober16

  6. Awww what a lovely present. We bought Olivia her first trampoline on her 3rd birthday. She said, it's the best present ever. xx

    1. hehehe! Trampolines are the best present ever x
