Tuesday, 31 October 2017

A few thoughts about You Tube. Day 31 of #Blogtober17

I am taking part in Blogtober17 and will be writing posts with various themes/prompts throughout October...Today's prompt is: You Tube...

In case you didn't know I have a You Tube channel....Do go and follow it. Please. hehehe

I love You Tube and every night when I go to bed I will watch quite a few videos each night. I have my favourite You Tubers.

Philip DeFranco who talks about the biggest internet news stories of that day. Brummy Mummy of 2She's real and just a lovely person and deserves every single follower!! Louise Pentland who I've followed for years and Logan Paul who hate but I can't stop watching....He is such a daft kid. Becky my teen introduced me to him. Can you remember that TV show on MTV, Jackass. His whole life reminds me of that. Doing silly things for the views....

I am not going to pretend my You Tube Channel is anything like these amazing one's but if you ask a couple of kids at Becky my teen's school, they are big fans...lol I really don't know why I just record special memories, days out and fun things we get up to....It's nothing amazing to strangers but it is to us! Like one of Becky's friends said I'm just a "mummy vlogger, what's so interesting about that?"! He meant it in the nicest way...I know my You Tube channel is nothing to anyone else but it is to me...

I might only have just over 300 followers but my top viewed video has had over 40,000 views! It isn't anything amazing to anyone else but to us it is one of those memories for us. Ellie opening her birthday pressies in 2016.

Earlier this year I shared my favourite You Tube videos. (the one's I've made).

The only thing that annoys me about You Tube is people starting channels and thinking they can be the next PewdiePie or Zoella....Doing prank calls to McDonalds, their top 10 favourite lip glosses, reaction videos to something shocking or trolling videos which are so 2014. Making videos and copying/imitating big You Tubers is never going to make you famous...To make it on You Tube now you have to be something special. Something unique!....You have to be different or in the words of Logan Paul "a Maverick"! hahaha

Ellie has suggested to me that we take part in #Vlogmas. Putting a video up on You Tube every day during December. That is never going to happen....I put one video up and then the next one could be three weeks later....There is no consistency to my YouTube channel. We do have a few ideas for some Christmas videos. Baking, crafts and some fun things so do keep an eye out....

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