Saturday 21 October 2017

My unusual crush - Day 21 of #Blogtober17

I am taking part in Blogtober17 and will be writing posts with various themes/prompts throughout October...Today's prompt is: Unusual crushes....

This prompt seems pretty perfect for this weekend.....My big crush returns to TV soon. Sunday night in America and Monday night here in the UK. If you are not a fan of The Walking Dead you probably want to give this post a miss or if you are behind with the series there may be spoilers! Beware! 

My biggest crush at the moment is Negan from The Walking Dead.....

Yes he killed one of my favourite characters in show....Abraham! He may have been my unusual crush if he was still alive...RIP to Glenn too....He had ran his course though....

Negan is one of those characters that is so bad that he is entertaining to watch....He's an utter nutcase! He makes The Governor look like a pussycat! He's cruel, manipulative, brutal but he is also charismatic, has a sick sense of humour and a very cool leather jacket!....

His one liners are hilarious! The one that sticks in my head is what he said the the priest Father Gabriel. Holy crap! You are creepy as s**t, sneaking up on me wearing that collar with that freaky ass smile! He was creepy and did appear from nowhere. lol

I really hope over the new series we get to see some of his backstory....I have read about what happens to him in the comics. He had a wife who died of cancer in hospital at the start of Walkers appearing....I am betting that was the same hospital where Rick was in the first episode! Hmmm!

I was late getting into watching The Walking Dead.....My fella loved it from Day one but it took me until the episode where Lori gave birth to Judith in the 3rd series to become interested....I can't imagine not watching it now!

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