Friday, 13 October 2017

This week my Word of the Week is: Changes. #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

Over the weekend we got a letter from Becky's school.....Her Computer Science teacher took ill during the first week back at school in September and they've had a supply teacher since....It has now been decided that they can't continue the Computer Science GCSE as they don't have a teacher and it has been changed to a BTEC in I-Media.

From what I can gather it is more to do with designing websites, graphics and animations than computer science was.....We don't know yet because they are not starting it until the half term holidays....Ugh! I'm guessing and hoping we will find out more over the next couple of weeks....

On Wednesday we had a meeting at school with a lovely lady who has been assessing Ellie for her emotional needs....Since Ellie's suspected ADHD/Autism was mentioned people seem to be queuing up to help us....

The woman has no concerns about Ellie but can see that she has low confidence at school....She is shy at school and won't always put her hand up in class, she worries about what her friends think about her and sometimes feels alone at school. This teacher/support worker is going to work with her to boost her confidence and will be seeing her regularly and will be there for her when she goes into the secondary school too as she is based at the other school! Hooray!

The woman mentioned out of school clubs so Ellie can meet new people. We had looked but they are either expensive, have waiting lists or are miles away. She mentioned somewhere really close to us that I hadn't thought of and Ellie is going to her first street dance class tonight....

My fella has mostly worked the same shifts for the past few years but over the last couple of weeks they have been changing. He's still working the same amount of hours but doing early shifts on different days and I don't like it. I don't like this sort of change to my routine....

I haven't done the afternoon school run for a whole week and it is a change that is taking some getting used to....Ellie has of course loved walking home with her friends apart from a couple of days. One where she got 5 minutes away from school and realised she had left her scooter & had to go back and on Wednesday when it was chucking it down. She got in and was soaked to the skin. She had forgotten to zip her coat up. lol 


  1. That is a lot of changes in just one week. I bet the shift changes have been so strange to get used to. I hope Becky's happy with her subject change and glad to hear Ellie's getting some helpful support x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

    1. The shift changes are still bothering me now. Today my fella is on a late shift, he's always been on an early on a Monday. So confusing.
      Computer Science wasn't Becky's first choice for GCSE so changing it again has just given her a reason to moan...I'm sure she'll be fine when it starts. lol

  2. That is a shame about Becky's course change. I don't know anything about the BTEC, but I like the new computer science GCSE courses. Hope it all sorts out. Positive changes for Ellie. The street dancing sounds fun. I'm sure the early shifts will fit into your routine before you know it.#wotw

    1. Thank you! I'm sure once we're all used to the changes we'll be happier. hehehe

  3. I find change difficult to get used to too. I hope Becky's course change works out okay for her. #wotw

    1. I do too...
      I am really hoping Becky likes the new course too. At the moment she isn't too keen.

  4. I an so pleased that their is emotional support put in place especially when it is time to move to secondary school as that will be a massive change. That is brilliant news on the club, I hope hae enjoys it X #wotw

    1. It all sounds so positive!
      She had a fab time at dancing! Thank you!

  5. Lots of changes for you this week. It must be frustrating for Becky that her Computer Science course has changed and I hope she will enjoy the new course. Glad to hear that Ellie is getting so much support at school and how reassuring to know that the support will continue with the same person when Ellie starts secondary school. Having continuity like that is so important. Hope Ellie enjoyed the street dance club :-)
