Friday, 6 October 2017

The girls had their hearts checked. #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

Not much has happened this week....School photos were taken and I nearly fainted at the price of them. Ellie got a certificate for coming 3rd in a competition out of the whole of Year 6 with her times tables and it's been ruddy cold here. Apart from that not much happened until yesterday.

We all went off to the hospital so my girls could have their 2 year check on their hearts....

In case you didn't know my girls had heart surgery just over 8 years ago. Both of them. They both had a hole in their heart and they needed fixing....We go for check ups every couple of years...

We were up early and made the journey to the hospital. Two busses and 2 hours later we arrived and the clinic was so busy.....I don't know what has changed but we struggled to get a seat....The girls were sent for ECG's, heights and weights were taken and we were soon in to see the doctor who did the Echocardiogram

We didn't see the usual man who sees us so had to go through the whole history....Ugh! He was another person to be shocked that their heart defects were missed at birth.

Going from 2 years ago when they were last checked he said their hearts have not really changed but with the leaking valves they will need surgery in the future as the leaking valves will cause the heart to swell eventually or something like that....If it's not happening now I am not going to take much notice. It would be something more for me to worry about.... 

He mentioned that the hole that was fixed in Ellie's heart is leaking again slightly but nothing to be worried about. He said she will need surgery sooner than Becky will...I got a little stressed over this. I said when will she need surgery. Weeks, months or years? He said years. He can't estimate but she should be good for a good few years yet...I'll be with her every step no matter when she has the surgery no matter when it is.....The same goes for Becky too.

We are back for another check up in two years with both of my girls still at the same clinic. In two years Becky will have just turned 17 and I thought they may have moved her to the adult part....Phew!

I was supposed to go and see the cinema that I won for the children's cardiac ward while we were at the hospital and I just couldn't....I may have had a bit of a panic....I just couldn't visit that ward where my girls spent time after their heart surgery. It was just too much.

Usually for a week or so before the heart check ups I worry. This time I didn't really think about it until the night before and I think with not worrying, all the worry I usually have hit me all at once yesterday....With the clinic being so busy and seeing a new doctor left me really chewed up....It was not a bad appointment, we have nothing to worry about for the next couple of years at least but it was a stressful morning.

I did complain to the appointment people saying it is really hard for us to get to the hospital before about 11am. We left the house at half past 7 in the morning and due to the rush hour and all the traffic were still 5 minutes late for the 10am appointment. They have assured us we will have later appointments in future. I will believe it when I see it.

When we had finished the at the hospital it was nearly midday. Far too late to rush the girls back to school....If we had they would have been getting back to school for about 2pm at the earliest...

We went for lunch. McDonald's of course.....It's had a big refit since we were last there. It's got the fancy click and collect ordering system and tablets for kids to play on while you wait....How clever! 

Then we hit Primark....The kids got a top each, me a much needed new coat and some other bits and bobs....Bits and bobs which we didn't need but they were pretty. Becky nearly had a fit when she saw all the pug themed things and Ellie went crazy for the Jo Jo Siwa things....hehehe My fella kept looking at me and saying no....He was right. I didn't need a pug, with a unicorn horn

We also visited Lush....I never bought anything! Amazing but they didn't have any of the Halloween bath bombs in. Hmmf. We stopped off for a fancy juice and I nearly spent £15 on a cup in The Disney I saw sense but I do want it for my birthday or Christmas....hehehe

An afternoon of fun was just what I needed to feel better about things....At least we don't have to do it again for a couple of years....


  1. At least it is ressuraring for.not some time and on a silver lining sounds like a lovely day out. Can't beat visiting McDonald's! X #WOTW

    1. Thank you. It was a good day now I look back on it.

  2. Everyone needs a pug with a unicorn horn ! it sounds like you combated a stressful day with some much needed retail therapy. Glad to hear the girl won't need any surgery for years to come x

    1. hahaha! I think I'm going to pop back soon and get my teen a few pug things. Thank you x

  3. Glad that all's well at the moment and you don't have to go through it for another couple of years now. It sounds like you hit all of the same shops that tempt me, too! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

    1. Thank you. Shopping was a lot of fun. I could have spend hundreds of pounds. Eek x

  4. I'm sorry it was so stressful for you but it's good you managed an afternoon of fun afterwards. It's probably the best thing you can do, pushing it all to the back of your mind until the next appointment, you could drive yourself insane with worry. x

    1. We needed a bit of fun after the stress...
      There's no point in worrying. I would drive myself mad worrying for 2 years. lol

  5. McDonalds is always good! but seriously I'm glad the girls will be okay for a good while yet. These appointments can be stressful x

    1. Thank you. They're good for a couple of years. Phew!

  6. You definitely deserved an afternoon of fun. After all the worry, I know I'd have needed to do something. Still getting my head around the pug with a unicorn horn, though. Glad the girls' appointments went well and you can put it to the side for another couple of years. #wotw

  7. I'm sorry that it was such a stressful time for you but it's reassuring that they won't have to go back for another 2 years. You really deserved a lovely afternoon of retail therapy x #wotw

    1. It really is reassuring. If there was anything to worry about they would have us back sooner...Thank you x

  8. The appointments must be so stressful, but I'm glad to hear the news was pretty positive. It sounds like you definitely needed some relaxation time afterwards!

    1. The appointments are awful. I forget how awful until we're at the hospital. Thank you x

  9. I am glad it was a fairly positive appointment, it must be really stressful. Sounds like primark was fun!

  10. Ah I feel your frustration with making the appointments. I'm pleased I no longer have to drive into Oxford all the time for mine. It's also good that they are keeping an eye on the girls but I understand your frustration with having to repeat their history. #WotW

  11. Glad that the next appointment for Becky will be at the same clinic. It is a worry when you know that surgery will be needed again at some point - hopefully it won't be for quite a long time yet. Sounds like your girls are doing well and glad you got to enjoy spending time together after the appointment x #WotW
