Wednesday, 11 October 2017

A Purple Kitchen. Day 11 of #Blogtober17

I am taking part in Blogtober17 and will be writing posts with various themes/prompts throughout October...Today's prompt is: Kitchen

My favourite colour is purple....There is splashes of it in the living room. The cushions, curtains and pictures on the walls but I dream of having a purple kitchen too....When I was decorating the living room a couple of years ago I saw everything and wanted it. Stu put his foot down and said no! We didn't need to replace anything....He's right. It's would be just wasting money but I can dream of a purple kitchen.

5-Piece Iridescent Pan Set - £39.99 - Studio
Villeroy & Boch S+ Lila Cutlery Set 5pcs - £19.90 - House of Fraser

Colourplay Cutlery Tray - £2.00 - Wilkos 

Do you have a colour theme in your kitchen?


  1. Ooh these look lovely! I would love colour themed appliances when we finish our kitchen, I think I'd go for dark red.

  2. I think you should go for it! These are so reasonably priced too. My kitchen is cappuccino (beige lol) #blogtiber17

    1. I know! I thought everything would cost so much more.
      Thank you!

  3. My kitchen is purple! You should come visit hehe x

    1. I saw your blog post & showed my fella that purple can look nice. hehehe

  4. These look sooooo good. Purple is my absolute fave colour!!! #Blogtober17

  5. Oh I love that colour! go for it. We have like a grey/slate colour scheme going on at the moment, but totally changing it when we move to our new house :) x

  6. These do look nice. I would love to have a colour theme, but everything is such a hotch-potch assortment currently that it would be too expensive

  7. I love purple too and have a purple(ish) theme running through the entire downstairs from the kitchen through the dining room and into the lounge.

    I love the items you've picked out and might even have to pop to the shops for a closer look
