Saturday, 28 October 2017

My Twitter History.... Day 28 of #Blogtober17

I am taking part in Blogtober17 and will be writing posts with various themes/prompts throughout October...Today's prompt is: Twitter

Twitter is by far my favourite social media platform.....It wasn't always that way though.

I was a Facebook lover until I realised it was so easy to enter competitions on Twitter and win.....A simple click and a retweet could bring me wonderful things. Things have changed now though and there is so many more entries to RT competitions. I rarely do them now.....

I think one of my first competition wins was on Twitter. I won an Andy Pad in 2011....It was a 7 inch tablet and it was put away for Becky for Christmas. That was the start of Becky's love of tablets and my love of Twitter....

When I started my blog at the end of 2012 I still didn't know I was supposed to promote my blog posts on Twitter.....I used it to follow bloggers but still mainly entered competitions with it.....I remember on a Wednesday and a Friday when there was the most competitions I would always get banned for a couple of hours for retweeting too

In 2014 I made up a new Twitter account after having some issues with some app which linked to my twitter account and started sending out spammy tweets.....By the time I had figured this out with the help of Zoe from Mama Geek I'd already made a new account up and was begging people to follow me 

It did me a favour....I had been meaning to change my name for ages but couldn't stop entering Rafflecopter giveaways with my Kimmer2111 account. lol 

Over the years I have seen Twitter change so much....When I started blogging and following more and more bloggers I could see people chatting. Now I struggle to see a chatty tweet. It is all retweets and self promotion. I know I am guilty of retweeting other peoples blog posts but I do make sure that for every couple of RT's I do I have a chatty tweet. I usually chat a lot of rubbish but the chat is there.....

My most famous follower is Sandi Thom...She followed me first. She's a singer and a pretty good one....

I have have no idea why she followed me. I haven't been brave enough to ask but of course I followed her back.

From what I remember my top tweet has been about a random CH4 TV show. The People Next Door. 90 retweets and 200 likes! I have had some others which have came close about Corrie and Hollyoaks....

Do you like Twitter?


  1. Love it! Twitter is my favourite too, even if it is a lot less chatty than it used to be! It's great that you tweet other people's blogposts. Most people do nothing but tweet their own links! I know I tweet my own posts out, but I always make sure I chat in between :)

    1. It really is my favourite. It's because of people like you who do chat. hehehe! Thank you!

  2. I do have a soft spot for Twitter, even though it has changed so much over the years! I always see you entering my comps! #blogtober17
