Monday, 30 October 2017

Our Weekly Meal Plan!! - #mealplanningmonday

Considering the kids were off school last week stuffing their faces any chance they had we just about stuck to the meal plan. 

I love this time of year with all the party food appearing in the shops....I spotted the Halloween party food in Tesco and I couldn't resist. We had a little party tea on Saturday night which included pizza so we didn't really go off plan.....hehehe

This week I really want to get a big chunk of the Christmas presents bought so I didn't do much shopping apart from the party food....We have so much in the freezer and cupboards which need using up.....

I had planned to take Ellie to our local soft play during half term but she wanted to stay home that day. Of course over the weekend she wanted to go. Ugh! I said I would take her after school this week which works out better as kids eat free after 3.30pm.

This week on the menu we have:

Monday - Saucy sausage pasta....
Tuesday - Hot dogs in buns with corn on the cob.
Wednesday - Out for tea at soft play....
Thursday - Vegetable Fingers and Rainbow Fries....
Friday - Fish and chips....
Saturday - Pizza....
Sunday - Leftover Sausage casserole or Chicken curry out of the freezer......

What are you eating this week?


  1. I love the frozen party food section too. Especially at Christmas time. We've had half term too. It is amazing how much the children can eat. I've only just kept on top of it. #MMBC

    1. Ooo yummy, we are having hot dogs on Saturday for bonfires night X #mmbc

  2. Like the sound of the saucy sausage pasta recipe. I did a chicken casserole in the slow cooker today and I have to say it looked rather good for Halloween as I'd put plenty of barley in it, which we joked looked rather like brains

  3. Ooooh I love hot dogs and corn on the cob! Pure comfort food! Hope you are having a good week. Thank you for sharing with #mealplanningmonday x
