Sunday, 22 October 2017

Fantastic Villain Costumes. Day 22 of #Blogtober17

I am taking part in Blogtober17 and will be writing posts with various themes/prompts throughout October...Today's prompt is: Villains and Superheroes

With Halloween coming up I was thinking of fancy dress costumes. I don't like dressing up for Halloween but I do like looking at costumes....

Obviously there are a lot of Superhero costumes but I didn't think there would be many villain ones until I started looking! These are my favourites....

Deadpool Girl - Adult costume - £32.99 - Party Delights
Wicked Witch Costume - £22.99 - Escapade

Classic Catowoman Costume - £37.99 - Halloween Costumes
Queen of hearts costume - £22.99 - Jokers Masquerade
Poison Ivy costume - £32.99 - Escapade

If you were to be a villain who would you dress up as?

1 comment :

  1. I once made my own queen of hearts costume that I was pretty proud of :) other than that I haven't dressed up in years. #blogtober17
