Friday, 25 May 2018

After last week, this week has seemed so calm. #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

After last week with the SATs this week has been lovely and calm.....I'm not too impressed with the weather though. I have had to get the jumpers back out for the last few days. I hope the sunshine comes back for the bank holiday weekend.

Ellie's behaviour has greatly improved after the SATs and she is back to being the girl that we know and love....All the stress has gone and she is happy again.....

On Monday night she came in from school and asked if she could play out with her friend. I said yes as long as she took a phone and kept in touch....Her friend and his sister called for her and off they went to the park. She did keep in touch and in the end there was about 7 of them out of her class having fun. She stayed out until 6pm and had a great time. I think it's the first time she has played out where I haven't worried. Her friend is so sensible and I know he wouldn't dream of getting into trouble so he keeps Ellie on the right track. hehehe

Becky had her first GCSE exam on Tuesday but she hasn't been worried in the slightest. She is only in year 10 but they now do the English literature exams a year early. It makes sense. In year 9 and most of this year they have been learning about the books and texts. Today from what I can gather is about An Inspector Calls....She really enjoyed reading that book and even doing the homework a long while ago.....Writing the tweets from a character really sticks in my mind.

Myself and the girls have started to think about what they want for their birthdays. I want to get their presents sorted now because August is an expensive month for us. It's Stu's and Ellie's birthday then Becky's at the start of September. We have to cover the cost of days out during the school holidays and there is school uniform and supplies to buy. I have all new to buy for Ellie as she's going up the secondary school....Eek!

I am staying calm and writing lists. I bought a few presents for Ellie....All she has really asked for is one of the L.O.L Surprise! Pearl Playsets. This week I looked and looked and it seemed to be out of stock everywhere apart from Amazon and Ebay but they cost at least £50 from those sites which I was not prepared to pay....I went onto the Asda, Geroge site for something else and they had them in stock! I ordered one and it was delivered yesterday! I am so glad I did. I just went back to check and they are now out of stock. Phew!

I am really looking forward to next week....Stu is off work and the kids are off school. At the moment we have no plans set in stone but I am hoping for a couple of days out.


  1. So glad to hear that Ellie is less stressed now that the SATs are over and wishing Becky all the best with her GCSEs. I love An Inspector Calls - I remember doing it in English at school too and have done it on stage as well. Sounds like you are being very organised getting ready for birthdays. Hope you have a lovely half-term x

  2. It's been a funny old week weather wise hasn't it, I dug out my fleece blanket. I'm glad to hear that Ellie isn't feeling stressed any more. Hope you have a lovely weekend and week off together x

  3. The weather was hot in Lancashire all week according to Jack its crazy how it can be so different in differing regions. Jack studies inspector calls for GCSE too, he growls when you mention it ha ha. You are so organised planning everything I need to get better at this x
