Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Glam Goo Confetti Accessory Pack - Review!

A little while ago Ellie tried out the Glam Goo Deluxe Slime Pack and she absolutely loved it she was keen to try more and good for us we were sent more to try out.....

The Confetti accessory pack comes with two wearable slime accessories a bow bracelet and a bunny charm....

It also includes a container of Glam Goo (fluffy slime), two slime decorations (Dance Mix and Rainbow Party), two shimmer colours (Have Fun and Happy) and one scent (So Peachy).

Ellie got stuck in straight away.....The slime was really sticky to start with but after playing with it for a while it thickened up and was easier to use.....

Ellie again loved the Glam Goo....She loves mixing the different colours, the sparkles and little coloured balls, coming up with different combinations...The peach scent was lovely and you could instantly tell what it was....

I thought it would be the same as the Deluxe pack we previously reviewed but this is something else. The texture of the slime is fluffy and the things you add to it gives it such a different texture. 

The accessory pack costs £14.99 and I would happily pay that price in fact Ellie has already added it to her birthday list because I don't expect the slime to last until August. hehehe It would make a great gift for any slime lover.....

We were sent this free of charge in exchange for this blog post.


  1. Oh messy fun, we love it #TriedTested

  2. I like the continuation of the Glam Goo theme. This would be good for birthday party fun

  3. Kids just love slime don't they - love this glam goo, so sparkly. #triedtested

  4. My girls are OBSESSED with slime and would absolutely adore this, but you must be a nicer mum than me as I've now banned it from the house, haha! #MeanieMum #TriedTested

  5. Oh this looks like fun. The girls in my class love slime #triedtesed
