Sunday, 27 September 2020

Leftover pastry always means jam tarts. #MySundayPhoto

The kids always get excited when they find out I am making a pie of some sort because they know I can never make the right amount of pastry. I always make too much and always use the leftover pastry to make jam tarts! They're one of our favourite treats which we only ever seem to get when I make a pie.


  1. Great use of leftover pastry! Unfortunately, my weird kids don't like jam...yes, that's why I started making cakes myself because the shop bought ones always have jam and buttercream (unless they are chocolate ones) I love jam though and I'd be happy to have one of your jam tarts. x

  2. Hmmm you can't beat a homemade jam tart :)

  3. I love jam tarts, used to love doing this with leftovers

    Thank you for linking up to #MySundayPhoto

  4. oooh they look yummy #mysundayphoto

  5. That sounds like a very good use of the pastry! We never have jam tarts, probably because I never make pastry!

  6. Ooh, these look good! We just ate homemade scones with jam and cream - though sadly not clotted cream! #MMBC

  7. Mmmm they look so yummy! You've made me want to cook jam tarts now :) Thank you for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.
