Tuesday, 1 September 2020

What I loved in August 2020!

This has been a strange month. For a lot of it I have been feeling anxious. I am a worrier and last month I was worrying about going into town doing the back to school shop, thinking about my girls heart surgeries, stressing about birthdays and of course the return to school and college. Thankfully by the end of August 2 birthdays have happened, everything fell into place, we've had details about the return to school and college and my worries and stresses have just about gone.

What I loved in August!

Enjoying Blogging again.
At the start of August I had a little blip where I had lost my blogging mojo. I couldn't think of anything to write about. I think writing about it because the next day I wrote 5 blog posts and since then I seem to have had plenty to write about.

A trip into town.
We had our first trip out as a family since February half term. We went into Scunthorpe and did the back to school shopping and let Ellie pick a few things from Primark for her birthday! Wearing masks wasn't too bad even on one of the hottest days of the year. We treated ourselves to a snack in Starbucks and thanks to the Eat Out to Help Out scheme only payed half the price. The girls have decided that the cookies & cream frappuccino's are the best drinks ever!

Rewatching old TV shows.
I have been rewatching old TV shows. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Crown, old episodes of Corrie and I have just noticed that Heroes is free to watch through Sky. I did notice they had been replaying them on BBC2. I watched it all years ago and all I remember about it was Sylar and the saying Save the Cheerleader, save the world!

Yummy food and drinks.
We have been trying some new yummy treats over the last month. These are a few of my favourites.

Oreo doughnuts from Sainsbury's. - They are so good and have a creamy vanilla filling which was a surprise.
Strawberries & Cream Soda Vodka Fizz also from Sainsbury's. - These taste just like cream soda and a little too much like pop. They were a lovely treat though.
Home made coleslaw - My dad got the recipe from the local pizza shop and has been making it and dropping me a tub off whenever he does.
Pork, Black pudding and apple sausages from Tesco - I love pork & apple sausages and the black pudding is something a little bit extra. They are so filling though.

Seeing lots of my dad.
My dad has been having issues with his internet for months and finally decided to change the company who supply it. That took a few weeks to sort out so he had been coming here every day to check his emails and do things online. Some mornings he would come just as we were getting up and I would find him sat in his car, laptop on his knee using my wi-fi. It's been nice seeing him every day and helping him out with his admin. 

Stu had his birthday mid August. We didn't do much for his special day but Ellie and I did make him an awesome cake. Ellie had her 13th birthday a few days ago and she had the best day too. She got everything that she wanted and more. Now we're on the countdown to Becky's 18th birthday.

What did you love in August?


  1. Aww it all sounds like the perfect month ! Hope things stay nice and settled now that the kids have gone back to school and college. Time will tell ! xx

  2. August seemed to fly past. We introduced the children to the Buffy series, last year. I really had forgotten so much of it from the first time round. (Are you going to share the coleslaw recipe?) #mmbc
