Saturday, 5 September 2020

Week 36 of #Project366 - A photo every day for a year!

So we're into September and a couple of days off my girls going back to school and college and it really feels strange. This year is flying over! 

We've had a good week. Everything seems to have fallen into place for Becky's birthday next week and her going back to college. I wrote about it in my Word of the Week blog post.

Now for a photo every day.

2 birthday cakes. One chocolate and the other in the shape of a panda and my youngest in a new tshirt.
A photo of the TV. Avengers Endgame with the Hulk.
A decorative bird cage with 2 candles in and a new laptop.
Japanese candy, mini ice creams and blue smoothie.

242/366 - 29th August
It was Ellie's 13th birthday. I now have 2 teenagers in the house. Eek! She had a fantastic day, the best birthday ever! We didn't get up to much, we stayed home and got a takeaway and of course had cake. 2 of them because it was a special birthday and she couldn't decide on chocolate or plain sponge.

243/366 - 30th August
This is now Ellie's favourite t-shirt and she really is a Savage. hehehe

244/366 - 31st August
After reading Galina's Project 366 blog post last week mentioning Chadwick Boseman who played Black Panther it got me in the mood for watching that film. We did on Sunday and it was so good, I'd never seen it before and it's one I will be watching again. Also on Sunday we watched Avengers Infinity War and then Avengers: Endgame on Monday. Ellie took an interest in it for the first time now that the Marvel characters are on Fortnite.

245/366 - 1st September
My dad always says i have too many candles and ornaments so him bringing an ornamental bird cage with candles in was a bit of a surprise for me. Goodness knows where he got it from but I like it. It's not in my bathroom and looks lovely.

246/366 - 2nd September
Becky's laptop arrived. She's not getting it until her birthday but Stu has switched it on and installed everything she needs on it. It really is a fab laptop, way better than the one I'm have.

247/366 - 3rd September
Ellie got some Japanese candy and treats for her birthday and she was trying out some of the things. Little mini ice creams. You mix the powder and it fluffs up like ice cream. They were very sweet and tasted like popping candy. The drink she made was disgusting. It tasted like what I imagine feet to taste like. She was happy though.

248/366 - 4th September
I got this drink free Sainsbury's with my food shop. I noticed the freebie and competition section on their website. I added it to my basket, put the code in and it arrived. It was very tasty but did look a lot like fabric conditioner. lol I'll have to keep an eye on what other freebies come up.

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  1. LOL You made me laugh twice, with the candy tasting like feet (how do you know ? ewww ! lol) and the drink like fabric conditioner ! You're right though, it does look just like it ! Lovely for your dad to drop you off a present, especially as you're about the only one not having a birthday this month ! lol

  2. Lol, to fabric conditioner drink. Isn't that the one that was all over the news for being green instead of blue?
    Glad Ellie had a good birthday. Exciting for her to be a teen now.

  3. Two cakes make a total sense to me, sometimes it's tricky to make a choice. :) Glad you watched Black Panther. I wonder what would happen to a sequel now, as I've read the fans are asking the producers not to make Black Panther 2 without Boseman.
    That drink does look like a fabric conditioner. I'm not good with blue or bright green drinks. What did you think of it? And lol @ the feet-smelling Japanese drink, that sounds quite revolting.

  4. So glad to hear that Ellie had a great birthday. She's growing up fast!
    Haha! Feet flavoured pop! You do make me smile. Hope you've all had a fab weekend. x

  5. Happy birthday, Ellie! I'm glad she had a great birthday. Swaggy shirt. Black Panther is amazing!! Endgame literally brought me to tears because it was so intense and amazing. I suppose you can never have enough ornaments. Fancy laptop. The little fluffing ice cream sounds interesting

  6. Glad that Ellie had a good birthday and good choice to have two cakes! I like the look of those mini ice-creams and the comment about the drink made me chuckle. That drink does look a bit like fabric conditioner. I didn't know there was a freebies section on the Sainsburys website - will make sure I have a look next time I do a shop. #project366

  7. Awww Happy Birthday Ellie, gald she had a great time. We tried Japanese candy once and the boys really loved it not these though. I had not idea that there was a freebie bit on the Sainsbury website!

  8. Hope Ellie had a good birthday. I must admit I agree with you that drink looks like fabric conditioner - I think it would put me off.

  9. Two birthday cakes! Thats my kind of birthday!

    Love those innocent drinks.

    Black Panther is one of the few films I could watch over and over.

  10. I thought it was fabric conditioner, don't think I'd be brave enough to try it. Hope Ellie had a fab birthday, 2 cakes? why not, love the Panda one.

  11. How awesome is that panda cake! Hope Ellie had a lovely birthday. Those little ice cream sweets look cute! Your completely right about that free drink looking like fabric conditioner, I don't think I would have been brave enough to even have a sip of that! x

  12. Two teenagers, yikes one day I'll have 3 but feels like a long time off still! I'm going to see if I can spot the freebie section now... #project366
