Sunday, 20 December 2020

Decorating their gingerbread houses & a little hair dye. #MySundayPhoto

On Friday after Ellie had finished school for the year we had planned a couple of treats. I had said Ellie could dye her hair, just half of it and both the girls could decorate their gingerbread houses. I mentioned to Becky it could be her last year decorating one, she'll be 19 this time next year but has said that it doesn't matter, even after she's left home she will come back home to do one. lol

They had fantastic fun and at least while Ellie was decorating the gingerbread house she was sat still while she had hair dye on and not decorating our house with it. hehehe I am really hoping the school say for the first week back the kids will be doing home learning so it washes out. 

My girls decorating gingerbread houses
decorated gingerbread houses
Youngest with dyed hair


  1. Similar story in our house. Eldest switched to remote learning for the last week of term so she dyed her too! Why not? Haven’t made gingerbread houses though. That’s an activity we can do later in the holidays. Sure looks like a lot of fun.

  2. The gingerbread houses look fab! We did our first one ever last year and we're going to do one today. We do it between us rather than have one each. It would be nice to have one each, but we would never manage to eat them all!
    The hair looks great. Fingers crossed it washes out in time for school.

  3. Becky is right, you are never too old to decorate a gingerbread house. The girls have done great jobs and Ellie's hair looks lovely. x

  4. Love the hair and great gingerbread homes!

  5. You have an artist in residence - very cute. #MySundayPhoto

  6. These house are great, every year I say we should make some but then I forget and we run out of time. Your daughters new hair colour looks great too, Kim :)

  7. Gorgeous house... and her hair looks fab! Happy holidays! #MMBC

  8. They look amazing houses, a fun thing to do.

    Merry Christmas

    Thank you for linking up to #MySundayPhoto

  9. The houses and hair look great! #MMBC

  10. mmmmmm one is never too old to decorate a gingerbread house. I don't dso them because they're really expensive to buy here and I can't eat them anyway, but looking forward to doing one with our grandchild next year

  11. Wow - they look so awesome! We haven't done a gingerbread house before but I'm thinking we may add it to our new traditions for 2021. Thank you for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.
