Friday, 25 December 2020

This week my Word of the Week is: Christmas Day! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

Christmas Day

The big day is finally here. Merry Christmas! I hope whatever you are doing today you have a lovely time. It's going to be different for a lot of us. We were supposed to be spending it with my dad and his partner but we're trying to stay safe from Coronavirus even though my dad and Sarah have had it we decided to stay apart.

We've have had a good week. All the food shopping was delivered, there were substitutes but nothing that really mattered. We dropped the presents to my dad and his partner and had a 5 minute catch up. It was good to see him. He looks so well considering just a few weeks ago we were so worried about him when he was so ill. He said he actually feels better now than he did before he was poorly. He said he feels like he's had a fancy detox. 

A big box was delivered on Wednesday, my Christmas present from Stu. As of writing this I still don't know what it is apart from it came from Curry's. I imagine by now we've already opened all of the presents. It's the one day of the year where the kids don't like to sleep in. The excitement is just too much. Of course there will be a selection box for breakfast and we're planning on staying in our pj's all day, there's no getting dressed up today. 

I'm doing the cooking. Christmas dinner is the one meal out of the whole year that I actually enjoy cooking. I did cook the meat and some of the veg yesterday. I just have the roast potatoes and the veg I prepped yesterday to cook. I think the glasses of Bucks Fizz will help me along. With the amount of food we have there will be plenty of leftovers to feed us for the next few days.

Today will all be about eating, drinking, setting up new electronics, watching TV and playing games.

Merry Christmas and I hope you have a wonderful day!

Word of the Week linky

1 comment :

  1. Ha, we opted for a Christmassy pyjama day too ! Hope you loved your present. Christmas wishes to the lot of you xx
