Friday 4 December 2020

This week my Word of the Week is: Highlights. #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:


The last week has flown over. It doesn't seem that long since I wrote my last word of the week blog post and I felt that there wasn't much to write about this week until I started writing this blog post. It is the most normal week we've had in a long time. We've had no drama or stress, it's been quite nice. I struggled for a word so I thought I'd go with highlights and just share the main things which happened over the past week.

Last Thursday night I stayed up to see if there was any Black Friday deals and there was. I got Ellie's Nintendo Switch that she wanted for Christmas and 3 games for £339 which was only a little more than what I was going to pay for the Switch and one game a couple of weeks ago. I got it from Very and they said it wouldn't be delivered until the 9th but it turned up on Monday which was a nice surprise. 

I am waiting for one more parcel then all the presents that I need to buy online are here and I will have to have a trip into town to get a few bits which I am not looking forward to but I am sure the thought of it is worse than actually doing it.

The advent calendars have been a huge hit. Becky is loving her Friends one and so far has got an eraser, fridge magnet and a roll of tape and Ellie is loving her Smiggle one. She's so far got a fancy pen, a mini notebook and an eraser. It certainly adds a bit of fun to our mornings. I am loving my candle one too. I get a different scented tea light to burn every day. 

The national lockdown ended and we moved into tier 3 which doesn't make much difference to our lives. Stu went back to work yesterday and was ready to go back. During the first lockdown it was fun, we had decorating to do and the sun was shining but during the 2nd lockdown there wasn't much for Stu to do around the house and he was getting rather bored.

Mid week marked a month since my dad started with Covid symptoms and I am glad to say he is just about back to his normal self. It hasn't stopped me worrying about Coronavirus though. Ellie's friends at school are dropping like flies. One is self isolating because her mum has Covid and the other went home with a sore throat midweek. So far Ellie is fit and well and we are counting down the days until the end of term. The kids are counting down for Christmas, I am counting down so we can have a couple of weeks staying safe without seeing or mixing with anyone.

How has your week been? I hope you've had a good one.

Word of the week linky


  1. So glad to hear your dad is on the mend. Like many parents, we're also concerned about our kiddos and very much looking forward to Christmas break.

    I'm visiting from #WoW and wishing you and your family an incredible weekend!

  2. Great news about your Dad and I'm glad the girls are enjoying their advent calendars. I love a good bargain, but I managed to save a measly £2 on the present for my son. My girls are still on a reduced timetable but their school is doing really badly with the virus. My Little Man is doing fine though, just one case in the entire school so far and not in his bubble.

  3. Well done on your bargains. I hope your shopping trip is not as bad as you imagine. We haven't done individual advent calendars, this year. Your ones do sound fun and a nice change from chocolate. It is good news that your Dad has recovered so well. Only two more weeks to go until school breaks up. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we make it to Christmas without having to isolate. #wotw

  4. So glad your Dad is doing better. It is a worry. My two are back at school after it closed thanks to a handful of cases. Hope your shopping trip is a success. Karen Early Rising Mum

  5. Well done on getting a good deal on the Nintendo Switch. Sounds like you’re all organised with your Christmas shopping. Lovely to have fun Advent calendars – we have Playmobil ones and Sophie and Thomas love them. So glad that your dad is back to his normal self now. #WotW
