Saturday, 19 December 2020

Week 51 of #Project366 - A photo every day for a year!

Here we are the week before Christmas! We're just about ready for the big day. All we're waiting for is the food shopping delivery next week. I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed that everything arrives.

I am so glad my girls made it to school holidays without having to self isolate again. I feel like I can relax a little now. We can easily spend the next few weeks keeping our distance from people.

We've had a good week apart from the little blip of Ellie bunking off PE at school. She hid in the toilets with her friend and then decided to go for a walk around school and bumped straight into their head of year. I couldn't help but laugh. Her and her friend were given a red warning, a detention and a good telling off from the teacher and a talking too from me. I could have come down hard on her but to be honest we've all done it before and I don't think I could have told her off with a straight face.

Now for a photo every day!

A Christmas card and a snowflake decoration on the window
Wrapping presents while watching Avengers: Infinity War
My girls looking at the laptop and a rainy window
Hair dye and my youngest ready for school

340/366 - 12th December
Our first Christmas card was delivered through the post and it was from Ann who blogs at Rasie Bay.

341/366 - 13th December
There wasn't much to take a photo of on Sunday. We watched about 5 films and didn't really move much. lol It was the perfect day to stay inside with all the rain.

342/366 - 14th December
I wrapped the last of the presents while watching a Avengers: Infinity War. It's deja vu. lol I wrapped presents last year on week 51 watching an Avengers film!

343/366 - 15th December
My girls love to argue but they do have moments like this one where they're as thick as thieves.

344/366 - 16th December
Another rainy day!

345/366 - 17th December
I stocked up on hair dye. Mine needs doing again, I don't know whether just to top up the blue, go red again or try one of the new one's I bought Tulip or Lilac. Ellie's is the turquoise one which we used last night on her. There's bound to be a photo on Instagram.

346/366 - 18th December
It was a non-uniform day at school and also the last day of the year. Hooray.

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  1. I finished my wrapping this week too. Need to do my food order tomorrow. Too many choices for hair colour by the sounds of things. Merry Christmas

  2. Good news about getting to Christmas without having to self-isolate. Ellie bunking off PE made me giggle – I think it’s something a lot of us have done! PE at school has a lot to answer for with people not enjoying sport or exercise. Staying inside watching films is much more appealing at the moment than going outside in the rain! Look forward to seeing what colour you decide to dye your hair. Merry Christmas Kim, hope you all have a good one. #project366

  3. I always enjoy visiting your family. Merry Christmas! #MMBC

  4. Glad you all get to the end of term with no isolating. how's your dad now Kim, has he made a full recovery? Hope your food shop comes on time and is everything you ordered. Merry Christmas to you all

  5. Glad you haven't had to isolate again! Think that was everyones fear near to Christmas.

    Oh dear at the bunking off and then getting caught by the Head of Year! I wasn't fond of PE.

  6. Agghhh naughty Ellie !! I'd have loved to have been a fly on the wall when she got caught - I bet her face was a picture ! Lovely to see the girls getting on so well with each other. There are loads of squabbles in our house so it's always nice to see them actually getting on with each for a while ! I hope you had a lovely Christmas xx

  7. ha ha I remember doing something simialr to Ellie when I was at school I hated hockey with a passion and this time of year all the mud... Well done on wrapping the last of the presents we were still going right up to the 23rd. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas.

  8. ha ha I remember doing something similar when I was at that age! I am not a fan of PE and hated hockey at this time of year all the mud! Well done on being so organised on the wrapping we were still doing ours up to the 23rd. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.

  9. We were all keeping our fingers crossed to keep in school until the hols and made it too! I was not quite as frantic as usual this year with my wrapping and managed it a few days early! #project366

  10. Five films in a day! I should give that a try, it sounds heavenly just relaxing all day! I am lucky to get one in though the boys are too big on gaming. It sounds like Ellie got enough of a tough time from the school, glad you didn't add to it too much. My youngest got told off recently for selling lollies in school, I thought he was quite industrious but I also understood were the school were coming from. So no more lollies for sale now lol.

  11. Love the snowflake decorations, very pretty. Mine have been arguing non-stop, I think the excitement really gets to them. I really want to dye my hair
