Monday, 14 December 2020

Our weekly meal plan! 14th - 20th December. #MealPlanningMonday

Our Weekly Meal Plan

Last weeks meal plan went well. We did change a couple of meals but to be honest at this time of year I am not too fussed. I cleaned the freezer out and found a bag of veg and chicken and added it to the slow cooker with a random casserole packet mix. It was delicious and so warming and this week has needed warming food. It's been so chilly.

I am just about done with the Christmas food shopping. All I am waiting for is the delivery on the 22nd with all the fresh stuff. I feel so organised.

On the menu this week we have:

Monday - Sausage pasta.
Tuesday - Ham, fried egg and chips.
WednesdayChinese chicken (using the Flava-It marinade) and egg fried rice.
Thursday - A casserole of some sort cooked in the slow cooker.
Friday - Pizza.
Saturday - Lasagne and garlic bread!
Sunday - Chicken fajitas.

What are you eating this week?


  1. Delicious week ahead for you. Chinese Chicken sounds tasty. have a great week x

  2. Sounds like a tasty week of meals! Hope you're well x

  3. You definitely sound organized and I did something similar to your chicken and veggies. It was cold here last week (for Florida) and I made a slow cooker pot roast with veggies and then made a slow cooker beef stew. Yum - wonderful for cold days. #MMBC

  4. Ooh that all sounds delicious - and I'm so jealous of you already having Christmas sorted ! lol

  5. You are like me getting all sorted and ready. Your chicken sounds lovely and so does your slow cooker freezer meal x
