Tuesday, 29 December 2020

Just the four of us for Christmas.

I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas we did despite me not feeling Christmassy until Christmas eve. I think it snowing helped me get into the Christmas spirit. That was a big surprise. The kids were still in bed and Stu and I both shouted to them quick, get up, it's snowing. Of course they didn't believe us. lol They missed it but thankfully it did snow later on in the day and we woke up with a light dusting on Christmas day too.

Christmas eve went exactly to plan. In fact it was better than I had planed. It was so relaxed, I got most of the Christmas dinner cooked and the rest prepped. The kids decorated gingerbread men, we had a buffet tea and opened a few presents! It was perfect. I'd like to say we went to bed early but once Stu and I had put all the presents out and sat down and had a couple of drinks and before we knew it, it was gone midnight. Oops.

The kids woke up on Christmas day just after half 7 but they had their stockings to open which held them off waking Stu and I for a good half hour. 

They were so pleased with all the presents they received and got a few surprises that they had asked for but weren't expecting. I am already regretting buying Ellie the roller skates. She is like Bambi on ice and that is just in the house. As of writing this she hasn't been outside yet. I am dreading it but I did buy knee and elbow pads and wrist guards to go with them. lol

Kids opening their Christmas presents 1
Kids opening their Christmas presents 2

Just after the kids had finished opening their presents my dad rang. It was strange not seeing him Christmas day but nice to speak to him on the phone. He needed help setting up his new TV. It connects to the internet and he's not the best when it comes to things like that. He finally got it working. He rang a couple of times throughout the day and it sounds like he had a lovely day.

For years all I have wanted for Christmas is a fancy coffee machine and for years Stu and I haven't done big presents. I didn't think we were this year but he surprised me with a Dolce Gusto one. I love it!

Dolce Gusto coffee machine

Christmas dinner was perfect. Probably the best I've ever cooked and the kids and Stu agreed too. We had a ton of leftovers which lasted us all weekend which I did plan. Nobody wants to be cooking more than they have to over Christmas. We have stuffed ourselves silly on leftover Christmas dinner, trifle, cakes, sweets and we still have the Christmas pudding to eat.

Eating Christmas dinner

It wasn't the Christmas we had planned but we had a fantastic time just the four of us. The girls got everything they wanted and more, I stayed in my pj's all day and drank plenty of Bucks Fizz and as a family we spent some quality time together.

Since Christmas day we haven't done much at all. We've played plenty of board games and argued about them. Ate all the leftovers, had lunches of random things out of the fridge and again spent time enjoying each others company. It's been the best!

I hope you all had a great Christmas and Santa was good you!


  1. It looks like you had a lovely Christmas, and I'm jealous of your snow! We had a nice Christmas too, just the four of us here too along with plenty of Christmas food and snacks!

  2. Sometimes just being at home with the family is all you need. I love the smiles on the girls faces, it really does sound like you had a lovely Christmas. And I guess your Dad made his presence felt too, even if it was on the phone. x
