Thursday 24 December 2020

This is what we'll be doing today. Christmas Eve!

It's Christmas eve, hasn't it came around quickly. Just about everything is ready for the big day and I am feeling pretty prepared. We don't have any massive plans for today but we do have some things to do to keep us busy.

Christmas Eve biscuits

The kids and Stu will be cleaning the house. We usually have a big clean on a Saturday but it's being done a couple of days early. All of the washing will be put away and all of the clutter that the kids keep leaving downstairs will be taken up to their bedrooms.

Ellie has decided she wants the job of laying the table for Christmas and I am happy to let her get on with it. At least this year we don't have to get the big table out of the garage like we did last year when my dad and his partner came for Christmas dinner.

While the kids and Stu are doing the cleaning I will be making a start on cooking the turkey, stuffing and preparing the veg. I have bought some of the veg pre-prepared but the carrots need peeling, parsnips peeling and par-boiling and I think I might make the mash in advance. Stu brought the little fridge in from the garage the other day so thankfully there is plenty of room to store things.

Before tea we are going to go for a walk into town to see all the Christmas lights and probably go to the shop and pick up any last minute things we need.

When we get home we will change into our new Christmas eve pj's that I bought from Asda. We're all matching this year. Usually I only manage to get the kids matching but this year I struck lucky getting the pj's. The kids and I have the Merry & Bright one's and Stu has the Keeping it Merry one's.

Christmas eve pjs

We were going to get a Chinese takeaway but didn't want to risk them being too busy and us eating late so we're having a party tea instead. I ordered some extra treats with the food shop earlier this week. Pigs in duvets, chicken satay sticks, Christmas cupcakes and some crisps and nuts.

We have decided that we will be opening a few presents after we've had tea. The presents that my dad and his partner have given us and the one's Becky's girlfriend has given us. It is purely for the reason that they are my only surprises and I can't wait. hehehe

Now that my girls don't believe in Santa it makes Christmas a lot less stressful. They are quite happy now to go to bed on Christmas eve at about half past 10 to give Stu and I some time to chill before we bring the presents downstairs. Ellie's are going under the tree this year as there is more room there, hers are bulkier than Becky's and Becky's presents will be going at the other side of the fireplace.

Stu and I will have a final tidy up around the house and hopefully we'll be in bed by midnight ready for the big day!

What do you do on Christmas eve?


  1. That sounds lovely Kim, very similar here except Steve is working until 5ish. Jack has taken part in our town carol service which is being broadcast on YouTube at 6pm so looking forward to that. Merry Christmas x

  2. I've pinched a couple of your Christmas traditions, starting with the buffet tea ! Sounds like a great idea to me ! I've decided that we'll do the stockings tonight (as tonight is usually when French people open their presents) then we'll do the actual presents tomorrow. I hope you all have a fabulous Christmas. Hugs xx

  3. It all sounds quite perfect. We'll be having a party tea tonight too, I normally leave it until Boxing Day but with it being the weekend we can have our usual curry night on Saturday. (home made with left over turkey.) Today we will be going out to the cemetery to lay a wreath on the family grave and I'm hoping to time it right so we will be coming back just as it's getting dark and we can see the big tree lit up in the village. Tonight we will bring the remaining presents downstairs and put them wherever they will fit for tomorrow morning. I'm not sure if the adults are going to be getting up with the kids, they usually do, but everyone is so moody I think I'll just tell them to stay in bed and they can unwrap their presents later. Have a really lovely day today and tomorrow, Merry Christmas xx

  4. Sounds a nice day. I'm sure my kids don't believe now but they won't say, so I'm still sat here at half past midnight as only one of them is asleep so far. I've got some food prep done today, so less to do tomorrow. And I was on the volunteer team, out distributing Xmas dinners earlier on today too

  5. Sounds a lovely and relaxed christmas. Cute PJs as well :) X
