Saturday, 21 December 2019

Week 51 of #Project365 - A photo every day for a year!

Here we go! There's only a few days until Christmas, my girls have finished school and college for the year, we're just about ready for the big day and we're all very excited.

This past week has all been about the last of the preparation. Getting shopping deliveries, buying the meat, wrapping and handing out the last of the presents and trying to stop my family eating all the food meant for Christmas.

Here's a photo for every day! 

348/365 - 14th December
She wasn't happy that she had to wash the dishes. We share the chores here on a weekend. The kids help out, they don't always like it but I think it is a good way to learn a bit of responsibility.

349/365 - 15th December
The girls made their gingerbread houses. They are almost all gone now, they have just about eaten them.

350/365 - 16th December
I went out and bought the meat with my dad for Christmas day. We got a bit carried away and we have turkey, pork and beef!

351/365 - 17th December
I wrapped all of the presents on Tuesday and watched Avengers: Endgame again. It was the perfect length of film to see me through.

352/365 - 18th December
Becky loves college but she was happy to be finished for the year on Wednesday!

353/365 - 19th December
My fella has just about finished work for the year and decided to renew his subscription to the online game World of Warcraft. I've hardly heard a peep from him since he started playing. hehehe

354/365 - 20th December
I finally got around to icing the Christmas cake!

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  1. Glad you are all looking forward to time off and hope you have a good day.
    Three pieces of meat once cooked will do a few days so leftovers are handy.
    I only eat the marzipan so dont bother with the cake.

  2. You're very well prepared! We haven't done any food shopping yet. I think we will go on Monday. Hope you all have a lovely Christmas. x

  3. We have a dishwasher and I get the eldest to load and unload it....but have been thinking I should get her to help wash the ones that can't go in the dishwasher. Agree that it helps with responsibility. We have the cutters for a gingerbread house...have yet to make one though.

    A busy week preparing for Christmas!

  4. I also think it's important for kids to do a few chores. The teen is not a fan, but hey ho!

  5. Hope you have a great time off for christmas. You can never have too much meat! We always had to wash and dry on Sundays. We hated it.

  6. Hope you had a lovely Christmas. Lots of concentration there iwth the ginigerbread house making #365

  7. No food shopping for us other than chocolates I bought in the UK but had to replace a week before Christmas lol

  8. Despite my best intentions we still didn't do a gingerbread house or Christmas Eve box :( maybe next year... It is essential to over cater so you have leftovers! #project365

  9. Thats pretty much all my week was about too! There always seems so much to do. Love the gingerbread houses we didn't quite get to that this year. I also iced my christmas cake a couple of days before. Hope you had a lovely Christmas x

  10. We have a dishwasher and I try to get the kids to do it, but I get so annoyed the way they put the things in. I do think it helps with responsibility. We made a gingerbread house kit over Christmas. Hope you had a good Christmas xx
