Monday, 30 December 2019

My top blog post from the last year! 2019.

At the end of every year I like to share some of my blog posts which I have posted in the previous 12 months. Last year I posted the top 10 things I'd reviewed and the year before it was my most viewed posts of the year

This year I am going with my most viewed posts of the year again. I had a fair idea of a few posts that might be included but there was some surprises in my top 10!

Here they are:

I knew this would be somewhere at the top. It was the biggest thing to happen over this past year. We have no regrets and we are all so happy living here! It was the best thing we did for all of our family!

This one was a bit of a surprise to find in my top 10 but The Portland Hotel did share it a lot of their Facebook account. Stu and I had a lovely afternoon and it was my first ever afternoon tea. It was such a treat!

I guess people love a jumper!

Changing the name of my blog was such a big deal to be. I had been Northumberland Mam for over 6 years with moving out of Northumberland it had to be done. I think it was the most stressful few hours of the year. lol It all went smoothly and I feel so happy as Life As Kim.

I have carried on joining in with Project 365 and have the last post of the year on Tuesday. I don't know why Week 30 was so special, I do like the photos though. It was not long after we moved here and we were in the middle of the summer. Ahh! The memories.

If you are up for a challenge Project 365 is a great one although it will be Project 366 next year as it's a leap year. Take a photo every day, put them in a blog post and link up with the nicest bunch of bloggers on a Saturday. It's a great way to record those every day memories.

This was such a random one to be in my top 10 but I am glad it is. I do love joining in with Raisie Bay and her Word of the Week linky which runs on a Friday. It is a fab way to write about those everyday moments which don't warrant a whole blog post. This one in March proves why I love it so much. We have had problems with our washing machine for years and I could read back on my blog when I moaned about it every time in my Word of the Week posts. lol It broke again a few months ago and I could go back and tell Curry's exactly when it was last broken. hehehe

I love this recipe and it looks like other people do too.

I had a feeling this would be in my top 10 because one of the photos appeared in my top 9 photos for the year on Instagram. Ellie loved these keychains. They are very cute.

Ellie had a rough time in year 7 but there was a few lovely moments too like the time she was invited to a party. It was such a big deal to her especially because in primary school all the girls in the class were invited to a party apart from her and another girl who were "different". 

I always like to write some blog posts about Congenital Heart Defects during heart week in February since my girls and myself have dodgy tickers and I am glad this one is included in my top 10. Finding out your child has something wrong with their heart is the worst feeling in the world but just know you are not alone!

Have you read any of these blog posts? If not why don't you now. hehehe


  1. Lovely diverse range of posts. X #mmbc

  2. I'm so happy for you with your marvelous move. I know 2020 is going to be a great year for your family. Happy New Year

  3. I love reading your blog! Such a great mix of "best" posts. Saving this idea for next year! Happy 2020!
