Sunday, 15 December 2019

We saw Santa's sleigh. #MySundaySnapshot

Where we live there is a Santa that comes round in a portable grotto to see all the children and give them a present. It plays music and you can here it coming. It is such a lovely thing to do and a lot of fun to see. Ellie was so excited to see it but refused to go out to see the big man himself, she got a little shy. I just had to make do with taking a photo of his sleigh.


  1. OH this reminds me so much of the sleigh that used to come down our street when I was a child, they'd wait until dusk and drive around with loud carols playing and Santa would be sitting in his brightly lit sleigh. What a treat! x

  2. Aww that is so much fun. How sweet of Santa xx

  3. So he does work more then one day a year lol X #mysundaysnapshot

  4. I've never heard of Santa making house calls but I love the idea! #MMBC

  5. Cute! Shame she was shy. Maybe next year? #MMBC

  6. Aww, we have something similar in my area. It's a great idea for the kids that may not get to go and visit a Grotto. #MMBC

  7. I love seeing Santas sleigh and I'm in my mid thirties - such a magical sight. Thanks for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot xxx

  8. We have a portable grotto in our neck of the woods too - such fun! #MySundaySnapshot
