Sunday, 8 December 2019

I finished the Christmas present buying! #MySundaySnapshot

Yesterday I finished the Christmas present buying! Hooray! My fella & I had a day out shopping without the kids, it was lovely. I am so glad it's done, now I can relax!

All I have left to do is wrap everything, write the cards out and sort out the online grocery order which is coming a couple of days before Christmas. I am feeling so organised this year but now I'm waiting for something to go wrong. lol


  1. Ive still got a couple to get yet, i am so behind this year, i'm normally done by now

  2. Yay, it is a lovely feeling when it is all done X #mysundaysnapshot

  3. Well done, I feel like I'm on top of things too this year. It's hard to believe that the kids only have a couple of weeks left at school. Time for a wrapping frenzy I think!

  4. Well done on being so organised! I just have two presents left to buy, including my younger son's main present. My cards are all done, I have loads of wrapping to do and I haven't even thought about food shopping! I couldn't wait up until midnight to get myself an online supermarket delivery, so I will have to go to actual shops to get the food,

  5. Super organised - go you! WELL DONE! Thanks for linking up and for sharing your snaps with #MySundaySnapshot.

  6. Everyone is so organised! We're nowhere near finished yet! #MySundaySnapshot
