Friday, 27 December 2019

This week my Word of the Week is: Family!

This week my Word of the Week is:

It has been the best week which has included a lot of family time and of course Christmas day.

On Sunday we travelled up north to see my great Aunt. She hasn't been great health wise, nothing serious, just old age. My dad and his partner took us so it was a real family day out. It took about 3 hours there and 3 hours back but it was worth it. There was a lot of singing and chatter in the car. We had a blast.

The kids got to meet my dad's cousin, her husband and the dog. Becky is usually terrified of dogs but she took a shine to this one, didn't panic and even stroked it. We went out for lunch and had a lovely day.

It was my dad's birthday on Monday and we popped up to see him and take him a birthday cake. It was nice to be able to do that. Last year we spent his birthday with him when we were away on holiday but any other time I just couldn't pop in to see him. It makes me so grateful that we live so close to him now.

We had a lovely Christmas eve. We went out into the town centre on Christmas eve to sing carols around the Christmas tree and it was such fun, we had a takeaway and it was such a relaxed evening. There was no rushing the kids to bed as I had got all the wrapping done and there was no sneaking about because the kids know the truth about Santa.

On Christmas day my dad and his partner came to ours for lunch and it was the best. I have never cooked Christmas dinner for my dad before and he had nothing but good things to say about it. He actually said that he didn't know I was such a good cook. Eesh! 

Yesterday Stu, our girls and myself spent a lot of time together. We played board games and we all got into Fortnite on Becky's new xbox. Becky & Stu playing and Ellie and I shouting instructions. Before yesterday afternoon none of us were interested in Fortnite and hadn't really played it. Now we love it. lol We also spent time watching TV. Worzel Gummidge was fab and we of course watched Paddington 2.

I hope you all had a great Christmas too. I am hoping for a lot more family time before the kids go back to school and Stu goes back to work.

1 comment :

  1. Aww Kim, it sounds perfect. I think moving close to your Dad was the best decision ever. I'm glad Christmas was lovely and Happy New Year! xx
