Wednesday 25 December 2019

You are not alone! There is help out there.

Christmas can be the happiest of times. The food, presents and celebrating but it can also be the saddest of times for many reasons. It can be a time of joy and spending time with loved ones but it can also be a stressful and lonely period.

No one should have no one to turn to. You might need help, advice or just a chat. There is always someone there.

Phone them: 116 123 (UK) or 116 123 (ROI)
Email them: (UK) or (ROI)

They offer a safe place for you to talk any time you like, in your own way about whatever’s getting to you.

Phone them: 0808 2000 247

The 24hr freephone National Domestic Violence Helpline (run in partnership between Women’s Aid and Refuge) is available on 0808 2000 247 - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. All calls to the domestic violence helpline are free from mobiles and landlines.

Phone them: 0808 802 9999

12 noon - 2.30pm and 7pm - 9.30pm every day of the year.

Phone them: 0800 9177650 

If you seem to be having trouble with your drinking or if your drinking has reached the point of where it worries you get in touch.

SANELine: 0300 304 7000. 
Mental Health helpline offering specialist emotional support, guidance and information to anyone affected by mental illness, including family, friends and carers. Open every day of the year from 16:30 - 22:30.

The Silver Line - 24/7 support
The Silver Line has a free, confidential helpline dedicated to helping older people, who may be feeling isolated, confused, or lonely. It is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Call 0800 4708090.

Help for adults concerned about a child
Call on 0808 800 5000

Help for children and young people
Call Childline on 0800 1111

Phone them: 0808 800 4444
Emergency helpline: 0808 1644 660

Phone them: 0808 2000 247

Refuge supports women and children who experience all forms of violence and abuse, including domestic violence, sexual violence, female genital mutilation, forced marriage, so-called ‘honour’-based violence, and human trafficking and modern slavery.

NHS Direct

Phone them: 0800 055 6112 
8am-7pm - 365 days a year.

Age UK Advice is a free, confidential, national phone service for older people, their families, friends, carers and professionals.

Urgent Help.
If things have got so bad you’re feeling unsafe the quickest way to get help is calling 999 or going to A&E.

You are not alone!

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