Sunday, 29 December 2019

I couldn't decide which photo to use. #MySundaySnapshot

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. We had the best day.

I only usually use one photo for my Sunday post but I couldn't decide between these two! The aftermath of opening the Christmas presents and my girls being sassy and cool. lol


  1. Looks like you had a lot of fun at Christmas. Happy New year X #mysundaysnapshot

  2. Lovely photo of the girls. That looks fairly organise chaos, with all the wrapping paper in the middle.

  3. Oh my goodness that's a lot to tidy up! Hope you had a good one! #MySundaySnapshot

  4. Ha I love the reality of the aftermath shot - it's christmas chaos at its finest! Thanks so much for sharing your pictures throughout 2019 and being part of the #MySundaySnapshot linky - I've loved having you onboard and look forward to further posts in 2020.

  5. The chaos of Christmas is the best. Hope you had the best time xx
