Wednesday 14 April 2021

How I will be making people happy today. #GiveJoyForJessica

It is 3 years today since Jessica died. The little girl with a special heart. In case you didn't know Jessica was the 6 year old daughter of a fellow blogger, Louise who writes at Little Hearts Big Love.

Jessica was born with a condition called hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) which basically meant she had half a working heart. Jessica was given her first heart surgery before she was even born and many more after. One of the first blogs I remember reading and following was Louise's. She blogged a lot about heart defects and as both of my girls have been through open heart surgery to fix one defect (holes in their hearts) and were left with another (leaky valves) her family and life interested me. Louise also gave me the confidence to blog about my girls hearts.

To do something positive and #GiveJoyForJessica Louise wants us to bring another person joy and make them smile. One thing about Jessica was that no matter what she was going through she was always full of smiles. Her godmother called her a "joy carrier" which is so true. Every time I see a photo of Jessica I smile.

Give Joy For Jessica

I am taking today to remember Jessica and to do some little things to make people happy.

Instead of Stu making the morning coffee's I am going to make them. It will be a nice treat for him. I might even make him some toast or a bacon sandwich.

We will be visiting my dad today and I will be taking his partner her birthday present. It's not her birthday until tomorrow so it will be a nice surprise for her. I am also going to get her a bunch of flowers and while I am in town I am going to get some nice cakes from the bakery as a treat for us all.

While I am in town I am going to smile and say good morning to people. A lot of people do it here and I never feel comfortable talking to strangers but I am going to step out of my comfort zone and do something to maybe make someone smile.

I am going to look out for people to help and help them if I can. Simple things like holding doors open, let someone in front of me in the queue in the shop, 

I am going to make an effort and text a few people just to say hello and later tonight I am going to ring my great Aunt. She won't be expecting the phone call and I probably will start it by saying " don't worry, there's nothing wrong" but it will be a nice surprise for her. I speak to her about once a fortnight but always think I should ring her more.

I am going gift the kids some random dance or costume on Fortnite. They are always asking for V-Bucks so getting a new dance or costume will really make them happy.

What will you do today to make someone happy?


  1. Aw, that sounds like a wonderful way to Give Joy!

  2. Lots of lovely ways to give joy. I hope Stu enjoyed his coffee and the girls enjoy their Fortnite dance or costume. Hope you had a nice time seeing your dad and his partner today and your great aunt enjoys the chat later. Thank you so much for joining in with #givejoyforjessica
