Thursday, 8 April 2021

The A to Z blogging challenge.

Recently I saw Jo from Tea & Cake for the Soul mention the April A-Z blogging challenge which you can read about on her blog but she didn't have time to do over a month and did it in one blog post. I thought it was a good idea for a blog post too so here is my A to Z of my blog posts.

A to Z

It has been over a year since we have been to the local auction, it has been closed because of Covid. We used to love it, there was always bargains to be had and I furnished most of my house with furniture from it. It is opening back up soon and I can't wait to visit again.

When Becky was at school part of her health and social care lessons was to bring home an electronic baby. It was an interesting weekend and put Becky right off having children of her own.

Electronic baby

C - CHD - Our #CHD Story.
This was an easy post to choose. The story about how my girls congenital heart defect's were discovered and their heart surgery.

A post about how Becky is itching to learn to drive and why I regret not learning to drive. Hopefully now lockdown restrictions are being lifted she can start the driving lessons.

After Easter we always have a lot of eggs leftover and these are some ideas to what to do with them all.

All about why I dreaded having the kids friends over. After a year of hardly seeing anyone I actually miss having a house full.

The time when my hair turned green. lol I was trying to remove a few years of hair dye of various colours and didn't expect it to end like it did. lol

Green hair

H - House - Making a house a home.
I wrote about our house a couple of weeks after we had moved in and had unpacked everything downstairs.

I - Ice Cream - Ice Cream in a bag.
How we made Ice cream in a bag. It was a fun experiment which worked out quite well.  

Yum, yum! We did actually make this jam roly poly and it was so good especially with lashings of custard on.

I could have used Kim since it's my name but I couldn't find one blog post just about me. lol Instead I have chosen a blog post about Kit's Chutney which we tried out. 

Years ago we made ice lollies from lemonade and Haribo bears. The kids had fun making them and eating them.

Haribo ice lollies

This was all about Ellie's favourite soft toy Monkey who is actually a lion. There's a story behind it and it makes more sense than it does reading this. lol

N - Night - The Witching Hour.
All about the girls bedtime routine, it was a few years ago and they have got better at going to bed now. They still argue and still faff around but at least there is no toys left out on an evening and they will happily have a bath now. lol

O - Outside - A trip to Amble.
This is our favourite place in the whole world to visit. We were planning to go last year but Covid stopped us unfortunately. Amble is a seaside town in Northumberland and it is such a gorgeous place to visit especially on a summers day. 

P - Photo - Project 365
This was my first every Project 365 blog post which I shared in 2015! Wow, that seems forever ago. I have joined in every year since, taking a photo every day.

I was sent some of the Tilda Kids rice to review and the girls loved it. I have continued to buy it and I think we have tried all the flavours.

The kids eating tea

R - Rant - Cold Callers.
It seems ages since I have a rant on my blog. I used to all of the time and there was even a linky for them. Ranty Friday. Thankfully living where we do we get no cold callers knocking at the door. I think we've had one in nearly 2 years.

These were all the things I would miss about Primary School when Ellie was a few weeks off finishing. I really don't miss the school run now and thought the days of certificates and awards were long gone but Ellie seems to bring home a certificate or reward of some sort every week now at secondary school. 

T - Trampoline - My favourite present!
All about my favourite present that I received as a child.

A couple of years ago for National Unicorn Day we made some Unicorn shortbread biscuits. I do miss Ellie being obsessed with unicorns.

I was sent this to review and gave it to Stu for Valentine's day. We still have them now and love them.

W - Wicked Wednesday's - More make up - #wickedwednesdays
Wicked Wednesday's was a linky that was ran a few years ago by Brummy Mummy Of 2 sharing photos of the things that our little darlings got up to. Ellie was the gift that kept on giving for this linky and her obsession with my make up always got her in trouble. lol

Make up

Another Blogtober post all about the x-rays and broken bones that I have had. Horseriding  and being a clumsy child resulted in me having a few broken bones.

Y - Young - When I Was Young Tag.
All about my childhood memories.

One of Blogtober 2017's prompts was Zoo and this was what I came up with.

So there you go. Some letters were easier to choose than others and it took a couple of days with my thinking hat on but I got there in the end.


  1. What a great selection of posts, I think I've read most of them. I can't believe I missed your lemonade and haribo lollies though :) xx

  2. Oh those makeup photos remind me of photos I have seen of myself as young child. We were visiting my aunt and my mom put me for a nap in (I think the room my mom was staying in?)... anyhow, I got into a huge bag of makeup and made a mess of myself, the sheets, and pretty much everything in the room. My mom and aunt love reminiscing about that one.

  3. What a fun post. I bet it brought back lots of memories when you put this together. I remember the makeup post and Ellie's makeover haha! x
