Saturday, 18 June 2022

Week 24 of #Project365. 11th - 17th June. A photo every day for a year!

We have had a good week. Stu started his new job on Monday and he is loving it. There is a lot of learning to do being a tech support advisor in a call centre but he's enjoying it. It has taken us some getting used to. For the last 3 years he's been here when the kids have left for school and college and home when they get in. Now he's left before they leave and doesn't get home until at least half past 7 at night. We have been finding a new routine and so far it's working well. I am missing him though, we will be making the most of his days off!

Now for a photo every day!

Me and our Gousto delivery
Our meal plan
Pumpkins growing and soup in the blender
Meat free mince and me again

162/365 - 11th June
Ready for a morning out at the college fun day with Ellie, her friend and her friends mum. I made sure to wear my Stranger Things top as Ellie and I had read they were being sold on ebay for silly prices as Primark had sold out. It's not often Ellie approves of what I wear. lol

163/365 - 12th June
Our Gousto box arrived. Usually I hate putting the groceries away but I do like sorting and putting the Gousto things away, excited about what I will be cooking in the coming week. 

164/365 - 13th June
I got this wall sticker from B&M for a few pounds but didn't want to stick it on the wall as it's textured so just pinned it. We love it and it helps remind me what I have planned for the week.

165/365 - 14th June
My pumpkins are doing way better than they did last year. They have flowers on them now which is a good sign.

166/365 - 15th June
I needed a stick blender to blend the soup that I was making but I didn't have one so improvised using the Breville blender we use to make smoothies, I don't know if you can put hot things in it but I did and it worked, the soup was so good.

167/365 - 16th June
Who'd have thought that my meat loving family would like meat free mince, they didn't only like it they preferred it over meaty mince. We had 3 vegetarian meals this past week and they all went down well. 

168/365 - 17th June
I had a nice day out yesterday. Seeing my dad, brunch out, a look around the auction and then met up with Becky for an hour at the pub. She took this photo. It certainly was beer garden weather. 

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  1. Good luck with the pumpkins, look like they're doing well and it's always nice to get your own homegrown veg at the end.

  2. So glad to hear your husband is loving his new job! Your pumpkins are looking good.

  3. It's interesting to hear that you like the meat free mince. I've started buying more vegetarian products and the veggie sausages that we had last week tasted almost the same as real ones!


  4. Last week you were worried about how many meat free meals your family would like but it sounds like it all worked all great. I was wondering what kind of flower that was in the garden. Pumpkins - I've never tried raising them but the flower is very similar to squash flowers. #MMBC

  5. The pumpkins look fab, good luck with them. Hope Stu isn't too tired after such a long day and is enjoying his new job. Chickenruby

  6. Glad that Stu is enjoying his new job and hope you have all settled into a routine. I'm all caught up on Stranger Things now but not sure I really understood half of it! #project365

  7. Glad Stu is enjoying his new job. I like your wall sticker with the meal plan. We have a whiteboard on the side of the fridge for writing ours on. How lovely that your pumpkins are doing well. Glad that the meat-free mince went down well – might have to try that with my family and see if they like it! #project365
