Thursday, 2 February 2023

365 Days Of Gratitude. In January I was grateful for...

I have seen many people on social media list something every day that they are grateful for and thought I would join in and have on my private Facebook account every day and I thought I would share here too.

I did this for the whole of last year and it has really made me realise that even on the bad day's I have something to be grateful for.


Day 1 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for a new years day spent at home with my family. We hit a new laziness level when we decided to use paper plates to save on the washing up. It's been that sort of day. 

Day 2 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful that I had the motivation to start painting the bathroom. The top is going to take another coat at least but the grey on the wood is going on OK and the yellow is going to be a dark grey probably tomorrow when the walls are fully white.

Day 3 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful that Ellie seems to be just about over the nasty cold that she's had. She still has a rotten cough but she's much better than she was.

Day 4 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful that I have got most of the painting done in the bathroom. This time tomorrow it should all be finished!

Day 5 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for Stu's electric drill which helped me put the bathroom drawers together! I hate flat pack furniture.

Decorating the bathroom

Day 6 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for Spotify and making some new playlists with my favourite songs.

Day 7 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful that both Becky and Stu have got the holidays from work that they've asked for. 

Day 8 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for a home cooked roast chicken dinner, getting some little jobs done around the house and I've still fitted in time to watch lots of Buffy The Vampire Slayer.

Day 9 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for leftovers! I made a pie out of the leftovers from the roast dinner yesterday.

Day 10 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for cookies brought home by Becky. She was in town and treated us all to our favourite giant cookies.

Day 11 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for some new oils for my oil burner! They smell so good.

cookie and essential oils

Day 12 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful that I got a couple of the kitchen cupboards sorted out and cleaned. I'd love them to stay that organised but they probably won't. lol

Day 13 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for an afternoon with my dad and his partner.

Day 14 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for getting washing out on the line! It was breezy enough to dry it too. I could almost see the bottom of the washing basket until Becky brought a pile of clothes from her bedroom.

Day 15 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for good Sunday night TV. Dancing on Ice and Call the Midwife. 

Day 16 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for snow! We had some, not enough for it to lay but it was nice to see. Hopefully if more comes it won't cause too much disruption.

Day 17 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for painkillers. My arm has been sore from having the contraceptive implant removed. 

Day 18 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful that Becky could help Ellie with her maths homework. I am hopeless when it comes to maths.

Day 19 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful that I have finally got my new contraceptive implant in and don't have to go back to the doctors for 3 years! I am totally milking having 2 sore arms now, the kids are making tea.  Fish, chips and mushy peas.

Contraceptive implant

Day 20 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for the opportunity to go back to bed after Ellie went to school this morning. I had a couple of extra hours sleep which I needed. I would normally save a lie in for the weekend but chances are I won't get one with the builders next door. They like to start work at 8am sharp on a weekend. 

Day 21 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for a fun night in front of the TV with my family (minus Becky, she's at work). Hmmf.

Day 22 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for a Sunday lunch out.

Day 23 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful that the dressing on my arm came off easily. I had a ridiculous fear that I was going to pull the contraceptive implant out when I took the steri-strips and sticky plaster off. I was fine, the implant is still where it should be. Phew!

Day 24 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful that Becky is doing well with her driving lessons. Today she learned all about roundabouts, she hates them. She says when she passes her test she will just avoid them. lol If only it was that easy.

Day 25 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful that my Harry Potter Hedwig Lego set is nearly done. I've only ever done little kids Lego when I was a kid and my girls were little so this has been a bit of a challenge.

Building Lego

Day 26 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful that my family helped with some meal ideas for next week. Usually it's left all to me to come up with what we're eating but this time they helped out!

Day 27 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for chocolate doughnuts!

Day 28 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for a Chinese takeaway, it's been ages since we last had one.

Day 29 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful that I decided to watch Happy Valley! I am so late to it but I've whizzed through the first series and I'm onto the 2nd now. It's such a good show!!

Day 30 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful that Stu took over in the kitchen and cooked tea tonight, shame about all of the washing up though.

Day 31 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful or cake!! I made a very messy Angel cake. It will be great with custard for after tea.

What were you grateful for in January? 


  1. So many things to be grateful for and it looks like January was a great month. You are so right! Even on a bad day there's always something to be grateful for.

  2. I tried this last year but I couldn't find myself being honest enough. So I admire you for finding the little things that you can be thankful for x

  3. This is a great idea, looking for positives even when you're not in a great mood ! Lovely to look back on at the end of the month too :)

  4. I admire your persistence. Lots of us drop out of a challenge like 365 days. Lovely thoughts of gratitude too.

  5. So many wonderful things, big and small, to be thankful for.

  6. What a lovely post. It's nice to remember all the good things that happen each day. I am doing a good-things jar, as I do for a few years. I put notes of good things that happened and read them at the end of the year.
