Saturday, 18 February 2023

A photo every day for a year! 11th - 17th February. Week 7 of #Project365

This past week has flown over, mostly because it was half term and partly because I feel like I haven't stopped. Ellie has kept me busy and I've returned the favour and had her helping me around the house. hehehe It's been nice and we have fitted in plenty of fun. We've had a couple of lie in's, the kids had a trip to the cinema while I did some baking and we've found time to watch some movies at home. 

Stu finishes work tonight for a week, hooray! He's not going to get much of a break as he's decorating Ellie's bedroom, we have builders coming to do some work and he wants to sort the garage out.

Now for a photo every day!

Peppermint juice and green shoots in the garden
New pj's and Valentine's day gifts
My youngest cleaning out the cupboard and cookies
A blank blog post

42/365 - 11th February
I am obsessed with anything peppermint so thought I would try the Schweppes peppermint flavour cordial. I don't know what I was expecting but this was not to my taste. It tasted like watered down mouthwash.

43/365 - 12th February
This is a sign that I need to sort the garden and clear the dried out weeds. There are green shoots coming through, they're my daffodils, they come through in the same spot every year. It was a job I was meant to do this week but never got around to.

44/365 - 13th February
We went to town to open Ellie a bank account and we of course had a look around Primark where I got some new pj's. I've got this type in different colours and characters, they are fleecy but not too fleecy that I end up being too warm on a night.

45/365 - 14th February
Ellie was very excited for Valentine's day. It's the first year she's had a proper boyfriend and they swapped cards and gifts. She got a lovely card and an adorable teddy bear.

46/365 - 15th February
I got on with decluttering and sorting out the kitchen cupboards with a little helper who turned out being a massive help. I hate the cupboard in the corner as it goes so far back, Ellie was great for reaching in and getting everything out.

47/365 - 16th February
I made some melting moment biscuits. I haven't made them since I was at school so they felt like a real blast from the past. They turned out so well and everyone loved them.

48/365 - 17th February
This photo is the epitome of laziness. I sat down to write this blog post and realised that I hadn't taken a photo yet for today so I took one of the blank blog post. lol

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  1. Very productive with all the decluttering. I really need to do the same. But I've got a lot to try and sell first to go towards a holiday fund. Those melting moments look good. I don't think I've ever made them before.

  2. I made melting moments at school too! I'm just going to check out the recipe - yours look delicious :o)


  3. I have never heard of melting moments but they look delicious! Love the new pj's.

  4. I didn't know Schweppes made cordial but if we ever get it down here. I'll be sure to stay away from the peppermint flavour! Your melting moments look delicious. The ones that we have here usually have cream in between two biscuits.

  5. I really need to start the weeding. I didn't keep on top of it last year and its a mad mess now. Love the PJ;s and the melting moments look fab!

  6. Why does half term always whizz by?! So unfair! Love spotting the signs of spring arriving. #project365

  7. I can't stand peppermint, I struggle with using the mouth wash. I keep having decluttering moments and end up with a box of stuff that has no home, but I don't want to throw away

  8. Lovely to see green shoots coming through in the garden. My daffodils have started to bloom now. Love the Simpsons PJs. What a lovely Valentine’s card and teddy bear for Ellie. The blank blog post photo made me smile. #project365
