Saturday, 11 February 2023

A photo every day for a year! 4th - 10th February. Week 6 of #Project365

 We have made it to half term, I think it has actually came around really quickly. I am putting it down to the fact we're at that stage in school life where Ellie is revising lots for her GCSE's and I have a feeling it won't seem like long until they begin in May. She tells me it's only 90 odd days until her first exam. Eek! She is taking it all in her stride, it's me who's doing all of the worrying. 

I have been trying to think what I have been doing with my week and apart from rewatching all the Marvel movies all I can think of was that I got plenty of washing done, dried outside on the line as it had been so bright and quite warm. It wasn't yesterday though, as I am typing this I am sat with my heater on, a blanket on and a hot water bottle and it's only lunchtime so I imagine it's going to get even colder later on. I am so ready for it to be summer!

Now for a photo every day!

My youngest and a chocolate bar
The sun setting
Red hair dye and me
Flowers and a smoothie

35/365 - 4th February
Ellie finally got around to making her Biscoff brownie thingy which she got for Christmas. It was one of those ready mix things with the little metal skillet which we keep and reuse as they are perfect for eggs.

36/365 - 5th February
I was stress eating on Sunday night after watching the final episode of Happy Valley, wasn't it good! It wasn't the ending that I expected but it was still good.

37/365 - 6th February
A pretty sunset, it's nice that it's starting to get dark later. Ellie is really loving it as it means she can go out with friends for an hour or so after school.

38/365 - 7th February
I hadn't dyed my hair since before Christmas and the red had all faded and I was left with a light pink and some ginger bits. This Directions hair dye is my favourite.

39/365 - 8th February
A couple of people were asking to see a photo of the before and after pics of my hair. I didn't get a before but this was the after.

40/365 - 9th February
I love fresh flowers in the house but I don't like paying full price for them. These cost me 66p which were a real bargain.

41/365 - 10th February
My new favourite drink from Asda. Pineapple, coconut and banana smoothie. I can just imagine it in the summer with a lot of crushed ice.

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  1. Wow bargain flowers. I need to remember to buy them again now the spring flowers are in the shops. I always look at those skillet gifts - the little pans look so cool.

  2. I LOVE your hair! I think this is the best colour yet, it really suits you.
    The nights are getting that little bit lighter for longer which is nice.
    I love fresh flowers in the house too! You got a right bargain there, they look quite an expensive bunch. xx

  3. I love Aero! Your hair looks fab! I am thinking of dying my hair this hair term, but unsure what colour to go for #MMBC

  4. I remember feeling like this last year with the eldest's GCSE's! They do come around quickly! That is a gorgeous sunset.

  5. Those flowers are beautiful and your hair looks fabulous!

  6. The flowers are so colourful and pretty. What a great bargain too. I love your hair, it really suits you. And the smoothie sounds delicious.

  7. Love that sunset. It is so nice that the evenings are starting to lengthen again. Love your hair – the red really suits you. Those flowers are so pretty – what a bargain for 66p.

  8. I love your new hair colour, it is so vibrant. Isaac is in year 10 now, so we have all the fun of GCSE's next year. Good luck Ellie!!

  9. Yep, loved the end of Happy Valley, so glad we binge watched so could watch the final episode live. Gorgeous hair and flowers! Definitely enjoying the lighter mornings and evenings. #project365

  10. Love the sunset. Love your hair colour. My hair wont hold bold colours. I have tried and failed! We never got into Happy Valley but I know everyone was talking about it #365
