Sunday, 29 October 2023

My little witches! #MySundaySnapshot

There are a lot of things that I dislike about Facebook but one of the things that I really love is the Memories feature which shows things you posted on that day from previous years.

On Friday this photo came up and I had to share it. It was the first year that the kids dressed up for Halloween and they were trying on their costumes that I had bought. It was also the day that Ellie walked for the first time. (She was 13 months old). We always joke now it was the magic of the witch costume that helped her take her first steps. hehehe

My girls dressed as witches

My Sunday Snapshot linky


  1. This is really cute! Agreed, Love facebook memories for remembering things like this! MMBC

  2. A cute photo! I love Facebook's memories feature.

  3. The girls look adorable - I've never seen a photo of them so young. #MMBC

  4. Cute photo. My Facebook memories have saved me this last year. #MMBC

  5. Aww cuties.. that is my husband favorite feature as well.

  6. Lovely! I smiled at your little joke. I rarely post to my own personal Facebook so never benefited from the Memories feature. #MMBC

  7. Thisiswhereitisat2 November 2023 at 19:47

    Aw this is adoreable :)

  8. What a gorgeous photo and a lovely memory!

  9. Oh they are adorable. Thanks so much for linking up and sharing your snaps with #MySundaySnapshot.
