Tuesday, 31 October 2023

What I loved in October!

October seems to have flown over and now the excitement is starting to build for Christmas! I've had to look back over my Project 365 blog posts and my Word of the Week posts to pick my favourites as this month has been pretty quiet after the excitement of August and September with birthdays and trips away.

Heart drawn in crayon

We had the heating on for the first time since the beginning of the year and it was amazing! Since we have last had the heating on we have had an insulated wall put in the living room and a new boiler so I was very interested in how quickly it would warm up and how long it would stay warm! The answer would be within 10 minutes it was starting to stay warm and the heating was on for about an hour and it stayed warm. Hooray! We actually had to turn the boiler down as when touching the radiators we almost burned our hands. Eek.

Taylor Swift.

Up until this month the phenomenon which is Taylor Swift seems to have passed me by. Obviously I know some of her songs, Shake it off, Love Story and I Knew You Were Trouble but this was the month where all I have seemed to hear is her songs. My girls love and her and of course have been to see her concert movie in the cinema which meant before they played a lot of her music. I must admit there are quite a few of her songs that I am in love with. 



I tend not to burn candles during the warmer months but over October it has got chillier and I have been burning candles and they've all been my favourite scents. Warm apple pie, gingerbread and pumpkin spice! I have one with the crackling wick and when that is lit and I am under my blanket it feels so cosy in here!

Painting my nails.
I have always had short nails. When I was younger I used to bite them, I know it's a disgusting habit which I only stopped when I was pregnant and any little thing would make me feel sick. Since I stopped biting them I have hated the feeling of them being long, I do wear false nails for special occasions but they never last more than 24 hours but over the last month I have been growing my nails and have found the perfect length where they don't annoy me and when painted look pretty. I have really enjoyed painting my nails and buying some new nail polishes. 

Gousto Boxes.

Gousto recipe cards

At the start of the month we got our first Gousto box in ages and have had 3 this month. We did skip one in the middle of the month as there were not many meals which took our fancy but that's the good thing about Gousto you are not tied into it. Up until this week our favourite meals were the Lamb Meatloaf With Rosemary Potatoes And Redcurrant Gravy and the Sesame Pork & Mushroom Udon Noodle Stir-Fry. They have gone on our list of meals to make again and again.

Christmas shopping! 

I am feeling so proud of myself. I have just about finished buying presents for my youngest and halfway done with my eldest. There's just everyone else that I need to buy for but the thick of it is done! I have even got the advent calendars for the girls stored away. Hooray! I have got the grocery delivery slot booked and I have started buying foodie stuff to put away for the big day. Sweets, biscuits and things like that. It makes it so much easier spreading the cost then come December I don't have as much to buy.

At the end of September I started making my own TikToks and not just watching other peoples. They're all daft one's using filters or playing silly games. There is no dancing from me whatsoever. lol It's strange having a social media account that is in no way linked to blogging, I am just doing it for fun and it really is fun. The girls think it is hilarious that almost a middle aged woman is enjoying something that they love. 

Friday Favorites linky

I am linking up with Erika and Andrea for their Friday Favorites.


  1. Such wonderful favorites! Many of your favorite scents for candles are mine too. I tend to not burn them very often though since I am not great about remembering to blow them out; a few years ago I bought a few electric candle heaters that I feel safer about using but I do find the scents aren't as strong that way. Go you on your Christmas shopping! That's wonderful. My boys have zero ideas for gifts and I have no clue what to buy them this year.. so I keep putting it off.

  2. That's fantastic that the heating is so efficient now and it will make winter less scary! I love a cozy candle in the colder months. I have still been burning candles because some days have been so cold that it has felt like winter. I wish that spring would kick in and stay for longer than a few days here and there! That's great that you are growing and painting your nails. I still haven't found a longer length that doesn't annoy me. I should try again, maybe over the summer holidays. That's so great that you are on top of your Christmas shopping. I haven't thought about mine yet..oops!

  3. I love candles. Right now I am burning Sweater Weather from Bath & Body Works. It's my fav scent this time of year. It's also amazing that you're almost done with Christmas shopping. I haven't even started yet. Def need to get on that. Happy Friday!!
    - Morgan @mommyaboveall.com
