Friday, 20 October 2023

This week my Word of the Week is: Sick! #WotW

 This week my Word of the Week is:


I've had a week of it being sick in two different ways. Sick of wasps and sick as in poorly. Ugh.

I started feeling not right on Sunday evening and by Monday morning I was snotty, sneezing and feeling pretty rough. Tuesday I felt the same and had got a cough and by Wednesday I was feeling more run down and tired because I haven't been sleeping properly, partly because of my runny/blocked nose (It's not Covid, I have tested) and partly because of the wasps!

We have been getting one or two wasps a day in the bathroom for months, we just assumed they were coming in through the window in the warmer months but the window has been shut and they were still coming. On Monday Stu was doing some DIY and found a wasps nest on the kitchen roof. The little swine's were getting in off the flat kitchen roof, under the eaves of the roof over the bathroom. My dad came and put wasp powder on the nest and blocked the holes but it turns out there must have been wasps in the ceiling. I swear pests love our house at this time of year. A few years ago we had rats under the floorboards upstairs, now wasps. I think I prefer the rat, at least I never saw that. 

I lost count when I got to over 40 wasps in the bathroom over a few hours on Monday afternoon/evening, thankfully they all didn't all come at once and they were pretty docile so they were easy to catch but by Wednesday they were getting vicious again, I went in the bathroom and there were 5 buzzing around, trying to attack me. It was then I lost it. I thought the nest being covered in powder and destroyed should have got rid of them.

I am scared of wasps and with the lack of sleep because of my cold I cried. Everything seemed just too much. I am not usually the one to ring and complain about things so there was someone here within an hour to spray stuff, put more powder down and to block more holes. Apparently when the nest is destroyed some wasps don't get the memo and can come back for a few days.

We have had a couple of wasps in the bathroom since but I think they're all are now dead or have moved on. I am starting to feel better after the cold. I am blaming the fact I'd been out on Sunday and it was chilly and then we put the heating on for the first time since early in the year. My body just isn't used to all the tempreture changes. I know that isn't how people catch colds but that's what I am blaming. lol

While I am on about the heating this week is the first time we have used it since we got the new boiler and insulated wall in the living room and it's amazing! It takes about 10 minutes to start warming up in here and it actually stays warm now thanks to the wall. Bring on the winter I think we will be warm in here which I am so grateful for.

How has your week been? I hope you have had a good one.

Word of the Week linky


  1. Oh no! Sorry to hear that you have been so sick but glad to hear that you are feeling better. I hope that you feel totally well very soon. I would have definitely cried over the wasp situation as they are scary! That's so great that the insulation is making your home stay warm. Sounds like this winter is going to be better for you all.

  2. I'm sick too; seems like all the same symptoms but mine didn't really start until yesterday. I'm just hoping I don't pass it on to anyone else. Hope you are feeling better soon! Glad it seems like the wasps are finally going away; that would have stressed me out too!

  3. Oh sick is an accurate way to round-up your week by the sounds of things mate. I'm sorry you've been feeling rubbish. This weather being up and down doesn't help at all. I hope you start to feel better soon.
    Wasps are the bloody bane of my life. We've had 3 nests here this year, probably more that we don't know about. The place seems alive with them here. I bloody hate them.
    Hopefully the ones at yours are almost dying off now. It's very stressful when they end up in your house. Sending you a massive hug. xx

  4. I hope you are feeling better by now and all the wasps have gone for good. I don't think I've had anything more than ants to deal with. As you know, I've been sick this week but not with a cold. I do agree with you about weather changes though. Boo got soaked coming home from college on Thursday evening (She had to stay until 7.30pm) and she got up Friday morning full of a cold. I'm feeling better today, but yesterday Graham phoned me to say he was now sick. I'm hoping he's well enough tomorrow to take me to a hospital scan. Sending hugs and I really hope both our weeks are better next week xx

  5. Oh no!!! That's awful. I don't like wasps either and with your cold too I am not surprised you had a cry. I would have had a tantrum! Hope everything is sorted now. Karen - Early Rising Mum

  6. Your wasp drama sounds horrible. I hope they're all gone now!

    It's good to hear that you feel better after your cold. We're trying not to put the heating on until next month if we can - so far we've managed it!


  7. Sorry that you’ve been unwell. Hope you are feeling better now. The wasp situation sounds like a nightmare. 40 wasps in one day would freak me out. I’m not surprised you lost it, especially with not feeling well on top of it all. Fingers crossed that the second bout of spraying, putting powder down and blocking holes has done the trick. #WotW

  8. Oh no wasps! That would freak me out! I'm glad someone came round quickly to sort it out. Its great your house is feeling warmer. Hopefully it will help with the bills too #WotW
