Sunday, 11 February 2024

Week 6 of #Project365 4th - 10th February A photo every day for a year!

I have had a pretty normal week this week and I have enjoyed it. It feels like the first week this year where I haven't been stressing and majorly worrying about something. I worry too much and this year so far has really tested me. The worries that I have had this week are out of my control and I had a eureka moment, what's the point in worrying and making myself feel rotten about things that I can't do anything about. Whatever will be, will be. I am saying that about this past week, it doesn't mean my thinking will continue this way.

Today I have been out to the local shops trying to find a replacement for the Valentine's Day Meal Deal from Asda, that's a whole different story. I ended up getting garlic bread for starters, an amazing looking pie for the main course and some chocolate orange dessert pots. Stu and I will have our meal cooked by the girls. hehehe

On Friday evening when I was doing my 365 Days of Gratitude I realised that there's not 365 days this year, there's 366 as it's a leap year. Oops! I'm just going to ignore it. lol 

Now for a photo every day!

Galaxy biscuits
Gousto delivery and my eldest
Lip balm and outside
Milk and flowers

35/365 - 4th February
My favourite biscuits at the moment to have with a cup of tea which is really strange as I don't usually like Digestives biscuits.

36/365 - 5th February
Gousto delivery day! It does make me chuckle as some things arrive and I don't have a clue what recipe they are for. This week was the lemons, I assumed they were for the fish meal but no they went in the smoky garlic dressing for the chicken dish.

37/365 - 6th February
Becky had a full day off work and spent it doing nothing at all apart from spending it on her laptop. She didn't even get dressed, she just had a shower and changed into clean pj's. Good on her I say, she deserves to relax after working hard.

38/365 - 7th February
My borrowed lip balm. I got Ellie a set for Christmas and had to pinch some as my lips have been really sore lately. It smells and tastes so good.

39/365 - 8th February
You can't see it but it was snowing! Well, sleeting when I took this photo. We did get a few dryer, bigger flakes later on but nothing settled. By the evening it had turned into rain and poor Becky got soaked on her way to work.

40/365 - 9th February
Milk! I am sick of buying it! We have gone through about 18 pints this week. Of course it's not a bad thing that my family are getting a good dose of calcium but they never tell me when we're running out until I find out there's none left! 

41/365 - 3rd February
I can buy myself flowers, I have been singing that song since I saw a clip of Miley Cyrus singing it at the Grammy's. It inspired me to by myself some flowers.

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  1. I thincccc
    I definitely try not to worry about things. Most of the time, it's not important enough to continue worrying about, so let it go I reckon. Those biscuits look quite nice. Lovely flowers. Shame about the meal deal, but hopefully you still get a nice dinner.

  2. Galaxy Milk Digestives! Oh, they sound yummy. I will have to remember to look for them when I next come to the UK. I love Galaxy chocolate 😋

  3. I am like you, and even worry about things that might not actually happen! I keep trying to let go. I love those biscuits! Galaxy is my fav choc. Good on Becky for having a relaxing day!

  4. Having a day off can be a wonderfully relaxing day. #MMBC

  5. I love Miley Cyrus' Flowers, it's my theme tune haha (although I still think of Miley Cyrus as Hannah Montana as my daughter used to watch that show on repeat! I bought myself some daffodils this week :)

  6. We opted for the M&S meal deal in the end. The tesco one did my head in as the customers kept picking the wrong desserts LOL

  7. If I don't buy myself flowers then there's never any in the house. I did the same as well with project 365, I'm not changing things now. We didn't bother with the meal deals as it's a struggle to get a gluten free one.

  8. Easy to get confused with the 365/366 days of gratitude on a leap year! I’ve not seen the Galaxy chocolate digestives before – they sound yummy. Becky looks very relaxed on her day off. Those flowers are so pretty. #project365
