Friday, 2 February 2024

What I have loved this week! Week 5. #FridayFavourites

Hello there and happy Friday! This past week was a good one, we are finally into Feburary and I have lots of favourites to share. I am linking up with Erika and Andrea for their Friday Favorites.

What I have loved this week

My fella having a few days off work!
Stu my fella took 2 days off work this week which meant with his normal days off he had 4 days on the trot. He needed them, January is a long month and he was feeling tired. For once I didn't give him a ton of jobs to do around the house so he has had a relaxing time. He even got to stay up past 9pm which felt really strange but nice to have him downstairs still.

I don't know where all our little spoons go? Years ago I used to think the kids would throw them away with their yoghurt pots when they had packed lunches for school but now they still disappear. During the week I bought more and they made me so happy. Compared to our old spoons they are so shiny.


Frozen food off my dad!
Iceland the freezer supermarket has a new range of things in all for £1. I mentioned their Chicken & Bacon Pies a couple of weeks ago but they have expanded their range. Lamb and mint pies, sausage and bean pasties, pizza's garlic bread and 4 burgers all for a pound! My dad was shopping and asked if I wanted anything, I said a couple of boxes of pies but he brought me 20 boxes of things. lol It's a good job I had room in my freezer!

Booking holidays from work!
My eldest booked some time off work a couple of weeks ago and was told that she has to use more of her holidays as she has too many. She earns half a days holiday for I think every 2 days that she works and at the moment has about 20 days holiday saved up. She has taken all the days she needs for this year and still has about 10 days left so she's decided to take the days off when England play football in the Euro 2024 tournament and some random days during the summer hoping they will be sunny days!

Dressing up!

Me dressed up

I don't get dressed up very often but I made the effort during the week when my fella and I went into town to have a look around the shops. I have had this dress since late last year and didn't have chance to wear it until this week. I got it from Shein and it is so comfy and warm too! I wore my favourite boots too. I got them from Yours Clothing and they are the best boots that I have ever had. They're so comfy and not tight at all around my calves. I did my nails to match and even put a bit of make up on. I felt really good about myself.

Years ago I used to watch a lot of the WWE wrestling but about 8 years ago I stopped watching, I got bored with it but over the weekend I kept seeing clips of the Royal Rumble Pay Per View on TikTok so I felt the need to watch it. I didn't know the majority of the women wrestlers, when I used to watch women's wresting wasn't as big as it is now, they are amazing and it's great to see that all shapes and sizes are represented not just stick thin, models. I recognised more of the men wresting and was happy to see CM Punk back. It came up on my Facebook memories the other day it was 10 years since he left the company. I think the last time I watched a Pay Per View Roman Reigns had just won his title and now almost 3 and a half years later he's still the title holder. lol

Heart bowls!

Heart bowls

About 10 years ago I got some cute heart bowls from the pound shop, we really did love them. I used them a lot for photos on my blog, the kids used them for dips and desserts and over the years a couple were broken and we only had one left. I thought we would never see them on sale again but during the week in the same pound shop there they were! I had to buy more.

It's February!
Finally!! We seem to have a lot on this month and I am excited for it. Ellie my youngest has check on her ears. She is deaf in one and has hearing aids so we're off to the hospital to check her good ear is still good. My fella and I are having an afternoon tea for Valentine's day, my eldest Becky is going away for a couple of nights and playing at being a tourist in a city not too far away and I am determined to get some of my Lego sets done!

Friday Favorites

What did you love over the last week?


  1. So many wonderful favourites! How nice to have Stu home and be able to relax and enjoy time together. I know what you mean about spoons! Ours go missing too. How sweet of your dad to buy you so much frozen food. I love your dress and boots, Kim you look fantastic! Enjoy your weekend xx

  2. Happy Friday! Lots of lovely favourites here. I bet it's been nice having Stu home, hope he enjoyed his time off.
    Oh, I love your dress and your boots (pretty momma!)
    And we have those little heart ramekins too haha! xx

  3. Yes! We find our spoons seem to slowly disappear too and I have no idea where they go! Those heart dishes are so cute. I wish my husband would take time off and just relax; the only way I have ever gotten him to take any time off is to plan a vacation away (we tried a staycation one year and he went to work a few of the days when they called.. and they ALWAYS call! Even our cruise he was fielding a few phone calls).
