Monday, 12 February 2024

Our weekly meal plan! 12th - 18th February. #MealPlanningMonday

Our weekly meal plan

Last weeks meal plan went really well, I did swap a couple of days around but everything was eaten. We loved all of the Gousto meals of course and found a couple of favourites which have gone onto my list of meals that I will make again.

I have been looking forward to this week. It's half term so Ellie is off college, Stu has taken a few days off work and Becky is off work too so we can have some family time and fun. It's also pancake day and Valentine's day which feels like a real treat having them so close together.

I did have a bit of a hiccup with the £12 Asda Valentine's Day meal deal. I ordered it to come over the weekend and they substituted the mashed potato and sent cauliflower cheese! I wanted to send that item back but it meant I would pay full price for the other items which would come to over £20 so I told the delivery driver it was stupid and sent the whole lot back. In hindsight I should have just kept it, took the substitution and put the cauliflower cheese in the bin but it seems wrong that I would have to pay full price for sending something back.

On the menu this week we have:

Monday - The girls are cooking Stu and I a Valentine's Day meal. Garlic bread for starters, Chicken, leek and ham hock pie, mash and veg with chocolate orange dessert pots for dessert.
Tuesday - Pancakes! I always say we will have savoury one's but we probably won't. I've stocked up on the lemon juice, golden syrup and chocolate spread. There's also banana's and strawberries to have.
Wednesday - Becky is out so Stu, Ellie and me are sharing an afternoon tea which is being delivered. I've ordered it from Kettle & Crumb, we had one a couple of years ago and loved it.
Thursday - Ellie has a hospital appointment so we're having lunch out so won't want much for tea. We will probably have a toastie or sandwich.
Friday - Pizza. 
Saturday - We're out for the day so will be eating out again. 
Sunday - As much as I like our Sunday lunches out I think after indulging a lot this week we best stay at home. We're going to have a fry up! Sausages, bacon, eggs, mushrooms, tomatoes and baked beans.

What are you eating this week?


  1. Great meal plan. I'm going to add pizza to my list. Thank you for sharing.

  2. That's no good that Asda messed up with the substitutions. Nice to hear that Ellie, Stu and Becky have some time off and you can all spend some time together. I always forget about Pancake Day!!

  3. what a faff about the meal deal! We are having pancakes and my eldest daughter invited Graham around. (A bit of surprise to me!) but it will work out well because I'm in hospital all day so Graham has agreed to cook us all dinner before my daughter takes over the pancakes. We'll probably have something easy, I'm thinking pie and mash.

  4. How lovely that your girls are cooking you a surprise Valentines meal - enjoy!

