Tuesday, 17 September 2024

The birthday's are done with for another year.

Ahh! All the birthdays that I have to plan are done for the year. In 3 and a half weeks there's Stu's, Ellie's then Becky's. I always say that this time of year is more expensive than Christmas. lol

brown cake with candles on top

First up there's was Stu's birthday which I wrote about last month, it wasn't the birthday I had planned for him but thankfully it turned out better even though we were worn out by the end of it. It turns out Stu's birthday set the trend for the birthdays this year as we had things to do on both of the girls birthdays.

Ellie's birthday was at the end of August and she turned 17. Where has my baby gone? She had a fantastic day despite it also not being the day I had planned. She had a doctors appointment in the afternoon which meant we couldn't really have a day out and the Chinese takeaway was shut for their holidays so all our plans were scuppered for a few minutes at least.

My youngest opening her presents
My youngest on her birthday

She decided she wanted a prawn cocktail salad for tea, there was of course cake afterwards and we would go to the all you can eat buffet place the next day. Stu and I made a point of popping in to see my dad on the way home from town as he never see's Ellie all dressed up. My brother didn't recognise her. hehehe It worked out really well celebrating her birthday over a couple of days. Becky on the other hand had a whole week of celebrating.

Becky's birthday was the beginning of this month and she turned 22! We had made plans and then things came up and our plans had to change. It was fine, we've got used to it now. It didn't matter, Becky still had a fantastic day!! I said as she is older that she wasn't getting many presents but of course I couldn't resist buying her more than I'd planned.

My eldest opening presents
Becky's presents

Becky and I left Stu painting the kitchen and we headed off into town for a walk around the shops, Stu and Ellie followed along later and we had a lovely meal out. We were too full for dessert and headed home, that was until we decided to head to our local pub and see what desserts they had on offer. They always do great desserts. Stu had Ferrero Rocher gateaux, I had Terry's chocolate orange cake and cream, Becky has sticky toffee pudding and custard and Ellie her usual brownie and ice cream.

On Tuesday Becky headed off with her girlfriend for a city break in Newcastle. They didn't have any big plans apart from look around the city, hit the shops and have a big night out. As much as I worry about my girls I didn't worry that Becky was about 135 miles away. I know she's sensible and she did keep in touch. I did chuckle at her when they went out to eat. They were going to go to TGI Friday's but they saw the prices and went somewhere cheaper. The beds in the hotel were like sleeping on clouds and she was glad that I nagged at her to take a coat, it's colder up north. hehehe

My birthday is next, in November and I am not going to make any plans although I have noticed that some of the pubs are starting to do their Christmas food around my birthday so I might fit in a Christmas dinner or two. 

Are your families birthday's close together or spread out over the year?


  1. We have two in February and one in September so there's quite a spread. The desserts at your local pub sound amazing!

  2. My sister and I were born early in the year, February and then April. The men in the family are all October and November. It does spread things out.

  3. That sounds like a wonderful whirlwind of celebrations! Our family is mostly spread out one in January, one in April, one in July, though the Sept. & October birthdays are only a week apart. However, all of our birthdays have a cousin, grandparent, or aunt/uncle right near them so we have clusters (but for non immediate family members I just send a card so it's not a big deal).
