Saturday, 21 September 2024

This week my Word of the Week is: Normal!! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:


This week has felt like a really normal week. I have just looked back over the previous Word of the Week blog posts and it is the first normal week we've had since the 20th of July. Since then we had all the drama over the summer which is far from over but is manageable at the moment, Becky having a break away, birthdays, Stu decorating the kitchen and having a week off work but this week was normal! Stu was back at work, Ellie was at college and Becky is almost back at work. She worked a couple of shifts that she forgot to take off during her 3 weeks holidays. lol

It has been nice to get back into some sort of routine, it's not my usual one with having to still take Ellie to college and pick her up but for the time being it's our new normal. A couple of weeks ago I used bus as my Word of the Week and I swear I could write a blog post a week about the adventures I am having getting the bus to and from college. What a drama most mornings are! One morning the bus was 10 minutes late, it was a new driver who had another driver telling him where to go and how to deal with the teenagers who won't share seats on the bus. The bus nearly skidded off the road and sent people flying. Even though the bus was late it still stopped in town, while there they let an old man on in a mobility scooter. He got on and then asked what time it got to somewhere in the other direction. He then had to get off in his mobility scooter, which took time. So the bus driver sat there eating a tub of cold baked beans which looked so odd, he was shovelling them into his mouth so fast. Ellie made it to college with 4 minutes to spare. I didn't get home for coming on to 11am which was shocking considering we left the house just after half past seven. That was not a normal bus trip!

It has been nice to eat some normal meals again and being able to cook them in the kitchen which hasn't got wet paint in and everything not in it's normal place. The newly decorated kitchen is looking amazing, I have a blog post scheduled for next week with all of the photos. Stu has done a fantastic job!

Ellie was at the doctors yesterday for a repeat blood test. She had one last month after being in hospital for a few days a few months ago but they forgot to check her kidney's so she needed another blood test. They just wanted to be sure that she was healthy. I am glad to say all her blood results are back to normal, that's one less thing to worry about!

How has your week been? I hope you have all had a good one!

Word of the Week linky


  1. So good to hear about Ellie's blood results. I know what you mean about buses, you do see and hear some crazy things. I have had some weird/fun/scary experiences on trains too. Sometimes it's nice to get back to normal though. xx

  2. I'm so glad to hear that Ellie's blood work is normal. That's outstanding news. Congratulations on the refurbished kitchen. That's always a wonderful thing.

  3. It's definitely nice to have a normal week and I'm glad Ellie's tests are normal. We are looking forward to seeing the kitchen as we are nosy like that, lol.. Funny your eldest forgot to book some of the days off during her break! That man on the bus sounds funny too. Although, not funny when you have a deadline to meet.

  4. I'm happy to hear that Ellie is healthy.
    The bus rides can be quite interesting from time to time, but this one sounds like a very unusual one. Hopefully it will not happen too often to have such an eventful morning on the bus.

  5. Normal is a nice word for the week. It sounds like you’ve had some interesting bus journeys going with Ellie to college! Lovely to have your kitchen finished and have everything back in place. Glad that Ellie’s blood results were all normal, what a relief for you all. #WotW
