Saturday, 28 September 2024

This week my Word of the Week is: Autumn! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:


It was the official start of Autumn on Sunday and since then it has really felt like it! It's got so much chillier here. I had my big coat on yesterday while I was out and for the first time in ages I wasn't sweating. The weather doesn't know what it's doing. I am sitting here looking out of the window at blue skies and sunshine, half and hour ago there was grey clouds and rain. I saw the news about all the floods earlier. They look terrible, I hope you are all staying safe. I don't think we have got half of the rain that we were forecast here, thankfully! It did chuck it down on Wednesday night but the rest has been that fine, misty drizzle. 

It's already getting darker on an evening, earlier than it did a couple of weeks ago and I am loving being able to shut the curtains and get cosy. I do like this time of year where there is still plenty of daylight, I know in a month or so I will be complaining about it being dark so early. hehehe As soon as I am in for the day I have been getting changed into my thick pj's and filling an hot water bottle, I am not ready to start putting the heating on yet. Blankets, hot water bottles and cosy pj's will keep us going for a little while yet. Poor Stu is feeling it though, he said it is freezing when he leaves for work on a morning.

Our summer wasn't the best so I am embracing Autumn and I am making the most of the season. I bought myself a new automatic air freshener with a pumpkin spice scent which smells amazing, I treated myself to an autumnal bouquet of flowers for the living room, a new mug that says "Stay Cosy" on it for all the hot chocolates that I am planning on drinking and I have been burning candles more.

The Great British Bake Off started on Tuesday which makes it really feel like Autumn and it has made me want to do some baking! For years I have been saying that I am going to make a pumpkin pie but it's one of those things that I have never got around to but earlier this week while I was doing the food shop I saw tinned pumpkin puree. I bought a couple of tins so that is on my Autumn to-do list! My family have never tried it before so are interested about it.

Now is the time when my mind turns to Christmas and I have started buying some presents. Not much but it's a start. My family keep asking what I want for my birthday in November and I don't have a clue, for the first time in a long time there is nothing that I really want or need. I will have to get my thinking cap on.

How has your week been? I hope you have had a good one!

Word of the Week linky


  1. What a beautiful post! You got me feeling all cosy and ready for Autumn. It definitely gets dark way earlier. I have started on the hot chocolate I must admit. Fingers croseed that your pumpkin pie turns our beautifully.

  2. Get you embracing the season! I'm kidding, I think it's great, especially if your summer wasn't the best. I must admit Autumn is my favourite season. With you on the hot chocolate too, I got given loads for Xmas last year so it's got to be used! Karen Early Rising Mum

  3. We've had a very wet start to Autumn, poor Boo got drenched on the way and back from college. I hope you like your pumpkin pie, I made one once but I was the only one who liked it :( I used to bake along with the bake off, but I haven't baked in ages now. The tasks seem a lot harder already this year!

  4. It's definitely chillier here too. We always try not to put the heating on until November so I've started wearing my snuggy around the house. It seemed much darker at breakfast this morning too, we had to eat with the lights on for the first time in a while :(

    I hope you'll blog about your pumpkin pie. I made pumpkin bread last week, it was really yummy with cheese on top :)


  5. I’ve only tried pumpkin pie once from Costco. It was ok but I’m sure a homemade one will taste better. I’d love to know how your pie turns.

  6. Autumn is definitely here now. Glad you haven’t had too much rain – we’ve had a lot here. How lovely to treat yourself to an autumnal bouquet and a new mug. I didn’t realise you could buy tinned pumpkin puree. I’ll have to look out for that. #WotW
