Saturday, 7 September 2024

This week my Word of the Week is: Bus! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:


Ellie returned to college this week and was feeling very apprehensive about the whole thing especially with our dramas over the summer. We had a good chat to one of the people at college and she reassured us that while Ellie is at college she will be safe. That's fantastic and this is in no way a dig at the college but she's safe at home and safe at college, what about the in-between bit? Getting there and back. The bus stop is a little walk away from college.

I thought my day's of doing the school run were over. I haven't took either of my girls to school for about 6 years but here I am getting six buses a day making sure my girl is safe. I am not complaining in the slightest, I would do anything for her. At the moment it's just a bit of an inconvenience.

This school run is a bit different than when my girls went to primary school, that was just a 20 minute walk there and 20 minutes back. This journey is more of a faff and takes me about 2 and a half hours each way. Getting to college on a morning is simple, it's one bus but then I have to come home which involves a 15 minute walk, a bus, then another bus and another 15 minute walk. I have the same journey to do on an afternoon to pick her up, 2 buses there but thankfully it's just one bus home again. Thank goodness for the direct college bus first thing on a morning and last thing on an afternoon.

I say thank goodness but have you been on a bus full of teenagers? It is a public bus, anyone can use it but after seeing how full it is I am guessing they chose not to. Teenagers are loud. I did have to hide my laughs at some of the conversations. A girl was speaking to a lad and found out her boyfriend is on the same course as the lad. She asked if he talked about her and he didn't. Oops. A few minutes later she was on her phone to her boyfriend asking why he doesn't mention her. He was in big trouble. hehehe. There was another girl saying how happy she is to be at college, she reminded me of an excited puppy and never stopped talking. I'd love to see her in 6 months when the excitement has worn off and all the boys are there with their hoods up and headphones on, in their own little world. 

I have been keeping my distance from Ellie, most people don't notice me and only one other person knows that I am Ellie's mam. She is just carrying on like I am not there. She's a teenager and doesn't want her old mam picking her up but does know that it needs to be done for the foreseeable and I know it gives her a little bit of comfort to know I am nearby as she has really struggled being alone over the last couple of months. 

Every day that I have got on the bus on a morning I have had the bus drivers telling me that I don't need a day ticket and I should pay the £2 per trip. I take 6 buses so that would be £12, the day ticket is only £9.50 and the difference is going towards a drink from Starbucks on an afternoon. They don't like being told I know what I am doing and it works out better for me. I like that once I've paid on a morning I just show the ticket and get straight on.

I am glad it's the weekend and I don't have to get any buses. These 6am wake ups are wearing me out. lol

How has your week been? I hope you have had a good one!

Word of the week linky


  1. Oh, my goodness, I am so sorry for whatever has put your family in this situation! Six buses a day, I can't imagine but as you say, you would do anything for your daughter, wouldn't we all? I hope that the situation resolves itself and that Ellie is once again confident to get to and from college by herself. I can't imagine how I would get back and forth from the nearest college here as our bus system leaves a lot to be desired. It would be quite a journey.

  2. Crikey that's tough. Hopefully things feel safer soon and you can stop. I'd love to know what's said on N's bus. He's on a local bus service too and there's always a few local people, but mostly school kids. There's his school, plus the boys' grammar school. But now they've stopped the later college bus they've got people from there going on too. It's way too crowded, because instead of only 2-4 from the grammar school, lots of kids from his school got into the grammar for 6th form, so there's tonnes more people!

  3. I don't know what has happened for this to be necessary and it's none of my business. I can guess it wasn't good though. I do know that if it was my kid I would be doing exactly the same and whatever else it took for her to be safe. You are an amazing mum and you more than deserve your coffee xxx
    Karen - Early Rising Mum

  4. Oh I totally understand but how inconvenient for you, it must feel like you spend all day on the bus. I remember when I had to take my eldest son to college in the car and it was an hour to get there and an hour back, then again in the afternoon. Thankfully, petrol was a bit cheaper then. He was eventually awarded school transport, phew! Boo has gone to her new college today and that's on the bus (she could walk to the last one.) I have Life 360 installed and followed her all the way to the college, but everything seems fine... eeeek strike that, just got as message while writing this... kid's eh! when does it ever end? I really hope Ellie stays safe and enjoys her new year xx

  5. I'm glad you fit a coffee in. You deserve it. That is a lot of buses and I can well imagine it takes a big bite out of your day, but I understand the need to make sure she is safe. We're back to school runs for the first time in 10 years. No chance of getting a bus, so I do drive. The conversations on the bus must be amusing. Maybe you can save them up and write a book with all the different characters in it.

  6. I am sorry that you are in the situation where you feel this is needed. At the same time, I hope Ellie fully realises what an amazing mother you are. I really hope that the situation will improve and that she will be able to go alone. Again, you are amazing! xx

  7. Wow that is quite a lot of buses to do the college run with Ellie, but so important to make sure she's safe. I can imagine some of the overheard conversations are interesting ones! Hope Ellie is enjoying being back at college. #WotW
