Sunday, 8 September 2024

Week 36 of #Project365 1st - 7th September. A photo every day for a year!

What a week, not in a bad way, just in a busy way. Ellie has returned to college, I've been taking 6 buses every day taking her and picking her up, Becky has had a week off work, Stu has been making plans for his week off next week and has been buying decorating supplies which have been getting delivered every day! I never know what's going to arrive. One day it was paint, yesterday was lights (which I don't think we need). I've been trying to find a new routine but I think it's going to take a few weeks until I have a good one. I need Becky and Stu to go back to work. lol

The weather sure has changed from a couple of weeks ago, it is starting to feel like Autumn. There's more rain and it's a little bit colder, I wore my big winter coat during the week as it was a wet and chilly morning but then on Friday I had a summers dress on with not even a cardigan, yesterday I stayed at home in my pj's as it was grey and wet again. Make your mind up weather!

Now for a photo every day!

Oreo coca cola and pub meal
Eggs and me
Pumpkin Spice Doughnut & car engine
Cola Jaffa Cakes

245/365 - 1st September
I saw this Oreo Coca Cola in our little local shop and had to try it. It's not disgusting but it's not amazing either. The only way I can describe the taste is, you know when you dunk biscuits in a cup of tea and then the tea has a biscuit taste, that's how this tastes but with Cola.

246/365 - 2nd September
We tried a new pub when we were in town. It was a Hungry Horse one. Ellie had the Mix it up meal with chicken skewers on a bed of peppers, onion rings, spicy rice and a Korean BBQ dip! She loved it and ate almost all of it!

247/365 - 3rd September
I found myself on Google asking why are we now getting white and brown eggs delivered from the supermarket. Turns out white ones are usually used in catering but there's been a shortage of brown eggs so the supermarkets have branched out to new suppliers. You learn something new everyday. I still prefer the brown one's even though there's no difference.

248/365 - 4th September
This was me before I took Ellie to college. When I got back home I looked more like a drowned rat. Stupid rain!

249/365 - 5th September
Becky and I tried the Pumpkin Spice doughnuts from Greggs. The first few mouthfuls were nice but after that it became too sweet and sickly! The flavour was definitely there though.

250/365 - 6th September
My dad was busy working on his car. He knew what he was doing thankfully, I didn't have a clue. I knew what the engine was, the battery and that was about it.

251/365 - 7th September
Coca cola flavoured Jaffa Cakes are out there and they are actually quite nice. They cola part of them tastes exactly like the cola bottle gummy sweets. Yum!!

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  1. Ooh I might have to try the cola jaffa cakes. I'd seen them but wasn't too sure about them. The weather's been so strange, but then I guess that's what it's like in the UK. Random

  2. I prefer the brown eggs, too. I bought a Jaffa Cakes Hamper last Christmas which had all kinds of yummy treats. My favorites are the traditional orange Jaffa Cakes but there was a cranberry one in the hamper which was good too!

  3. Good luck with getting into a routine and hope the decorating goes well. I like the sound of the Cola Jaffa Cakes. Ellie's meal at the Hungry Horse looks delicious. #project365

  4. Oreo Coca Cola?! That is wild! I live in Georgia where Coke was invented and I haven't seen this floating around here just yet. I wouldn't mind trying it, though!

  5. I can't eat Jaffa cakes with the wheat, so I'll have to take your word for it. Don't think I'll try the drink though. The bus trips every day sound a bit of a chore, hope things settle down and Ellie can start to travel on her own again soon. x We've not been to hungry horse for years.
