Thursday, 19 September 2024

Top tips to start meal planning!

Last week I shared a blog post all about why I love meal planning and it got quite long so I thought I would do a separate post with some tips when it comes to meal planning. I have been meal planning for over 10 years now and not every week goes to plan but it gives me a guide and does make my life easier!

Meal plan

Here are some tips to get you started with meal planning!

Start Simple!
If you’re new to meal planning don’t feel like you need to plan every meal for the week right away. Start small by planning just a few dinners or even just your weekday meals. This makes it feel less overwhelming and more manageable. You just have to pick the meals, you don't even have to decide what day you are going to eat them!

Create a List of Go To Recipes!
Having a go to list of recipes is a lifesaver when it comes to meal planning. These are meals you know how to make, love to eat and are quick and easy to prepare. Keep this list handy when you’re planning your week. It’s great to mix in one or two new recipes but having a few tried and tested options makes the process quicker and less stressful.

Pick a Planning Day!
Choose a day each week to sit down and plan your meals. For me I plan on a Thursday when I am doing the food shop so I know what to buy but you do you! Find a time that fits into your schedule and make it a weekly ritual. This helps you build the habit and before you know it meal planning will be second nature.

Keep a Running Grocery List!
As you plan your meals write down the ingredients you need. Like I said I meal plan when I am doing our online food shop so I add the things straight to the basket. This way, you’re not scrambling to remember what you need when you are in the supermarket and it helps you avoid those annoying midweek trips to pick up a forgotten item.

Batch Cooking is Your Best Friend!
If you’re making a dish that freezes well, double it, this way, you can cook once and eat twice or even more. On those busy nights when you just don’t feel like cooking you can grab something homemade from the freezer instead of resorting to a takeaway or something that you don't really want to cook or eat.

Embrace Theme Nights!
Taco Tuesday, Pasta Wednesday, Fish and chip Friday or Pizza Saturday! Theme nights are a fun way to make meal planning easier. Knowing that you’ll be making tacos every Tuesday or pasta every Wednesday takes some of the guesswork out of planning and gives you something to look forward to.

Stay Flexible - Life Happens!
One of the biggest keys to sticking with meal planning is staying flexible. Plans change, things come up, and that’s okay! If you don’t end up making a meal you planned, just shuffle things around or save it for later in the week. Don’t be too hard on yourself the goal is to make life easier, not to add stress!

Involve the Family!
Get your family involved in the meal planning process. Ask your partner and kids what they’d like to eat during the week. Not only does this take some of the pressure off you but it also makes everyone more excited about the meals you’re making.

Plan for Leftovers!
When planning your meals, consider how you can repurpose leftovers. For example, roast a chicken one night and use the leftovers for sandwiches or a curry the next day. We love to have spaghetti Bolognese one day and the next have the leftover Bolognese in wraps, messy but so tasty! This not only saves time but also cuts down on food waste. Leftovers are your meal planning secret weapon don’t underestimate them!

Make it Fun!
Lastly, remember to have fun with meal planning. It doesn’t have to be a chore. Get inspired by new recipes, involve your family in the process, and maybe even treat yourself to a new cookbook or kitchen gadget to keep things exciting. The more you enjoy the process, the more likely you are to stick with it. I struggle when I don't meal plan now. 

Do you meal plan?


  1. All great tips. So easy to meal plan if you have a solid base and use it week after week.

  2. I don't meal plan (though I probably should!). Although I do eat the same thing most weeks :D

  3. Staying flexible is key! I meal plan but give myself permission to mix it up if I feel like it :)
