Sunday, 25 August 2019

All her hard work paid off. #MySundaySnapshot

My teen got her GCSE results this week and I am pleased to say all of her hard work payed off. The predicted grades she got earlier in the year meant nothing. She did way better than even she imagined! She said she'd love to go back to see some of her old teachers and say "in your face". hehehe 

She did amazingly well in Health and Social care and got the equivalent of 2 A's. iMedia was a fail with the coursework. She got U's but managed a pass with the actual written exams. It just goes to show that the teacher was not the greatest in the classroom. It was the one where spent the first year and a half doing homework and revision for other lessons and being taught hardly anything, she took it upon herself to revise for the exams.

Next week Becky goes to college for her enrolment and to hand her GCSE results in. I think they'll be surprised. She needed 5 GCSE's at C and above to get on the higher course and there was doubt she'd get them. She has the 5 and extra to spare. hehehe I am one proud mam!


  1. Brilliant! Well done and congratulations, all your hard work paid off. Here's to the next chapter x

  2. I'm so chuffed for her, she deserves it for the work she put in x

  3. Hooray! Very well done to her. It's great when they get good results - and even better when they were unexpected! You must be so proud. x

  4. I am so glad she did well and got what she needed and more. Well done to her for her hard work and you for supporting her. Hope her college visit goes well. #mysundaysnapshot

  5. Awww well done to her! Absolutely brilliant news and I totally get the whole wanting to go back and see her teachers! ;) Good luck with college enrollment, I still remember that like it was yesterday... unfortunately it was many moons ago! :( Here's to a new chapter! Sim x

  6. Well Done to Becky, I wish her all the best for her future at college. x

  7. That’s great news, I bet she’s really happy #sundaysnapshot

  8. Well done and huge congratuions X #mysundaysnapshot

  9. That's awesome. Huge congratulations xx

  10. Wow those are some serious grades- well done! Thanks for sharing and for linking up with #mysundaysnapshot.

  11. That must be a relief! I bet you're glad it's all over! #MySundaySnapshot
