Friday, 23 August 2019

This week my Word of the Week is: Anticipate!

This week my Word of the Week is:

We have had a week of waiting and looking forward to things!

The week started with Ellie's bedroom being decorated! She couldn't wait for it to be done. It took Stu a couple of days and a lot of cursing at Ellie's choice of wallpaper but it's done and she loves it! We are waiting until after all the birthdays to finish it off buying some accessories. She has a list of things that she wants. A fancy lampshade, a pink ottoman and some more prints for the walls.

Becky's bedroom is next to be decorated. We were going to do it this weekend but I think we're going to have a weekend off and not do much. We seem to have had busy weekends since we moved so I think we're due a break.

Ellie is at the point now where the excitement for her birthday is building. There's only 6 more days to go. Becky and I went shopping on Tuesday for the last of her presents. For the last 10 years I have done all of the birthday online but this year I have shopped more in real shops, in person. There is a Primark and B&M twenty minutes away so it would be daft not to. I got some great bargains and while Becky was with me she gave me some fab ideas what she wants for her birthday too. I have also told my fella to get in Primark and start shopping for my birthday in November. All the Harry Potter stuff is amazing!

The biggest thing we are waiting for this week is Becky's GCSE results. They are being sent out by post and we are hoping they arrive today. I am thinking it's more likely to be Monday but there's hope. We weren't that bothered about the wait until Thursday came around and saw the excitement with everyone else getting their results. I hope they arrive by Thursday because Becky has to go to college for her enrolment, take her results, get her I.D, bus pass and things like that.

I had a little stress this week. I filled in the forms to join our new doctors when we first moved and got a "new patient" appointment which we had yesterday which I was nervous about. I hate going to the doctors and really worked myself up over it. There was no need. The nurse we saw was lovely and really put me at ease. She didn't nag me about being probably more overweight than I should be, she answered all my questions and didn't pressure me into giving a blood sample or anything nasty. Phew! She has made us an appointment to see a doctor to discuss the kids hearts and their check ups which we have at the hospital every year. Our old hospital in Newcastle is keen to have us to still go there but it's such a distance away. We need to know what our options are regarding the check ups. Ideally Scunthorpe would be great for us but I have a feeling we're going to be sent to Goole hospital which is a couple of hours away by bus. We used to travel a couple of hours so that's no hardship. I'm going to try not to stress about it but can't promise anything. 

**UPDATE** Becky's GCSE results came today and I couldn't be any prouder. She did way better than her predicted grades and totally smashed Health & Social care, she got the equivalent to two A's! She can now go onto the higher health & social care course at college! I'm so happy with her!


  1. Ellie's room is looking fab, poor Stu having to line that pattern up though! Birthday countdowns are always exciting, my two start aking how many days until their next one straight after thier birthdays. Best of luck to Becky with her results, fingers crossed you won't have to wait until Monday. Have a lovely weekend x

  2. Oh nerve wracking it must be for Becky, I hope she gets the results she wants. I love Ellie's wallpaper, it's a style that will grow with her too, so there won't be any need for changing it anytime time soon. I still haven't decorated the Little Man's bedroom despite being here six years. But, I've done our bedroom either. I think we've focused more downstairs. (Also, I am the main decorator, Graham is so slow at it and I've been out of action for more than 3 years.) I'm glad you've got your Drs sorted out, I hope the hospital works out well too. Thanks for linking up to #wotw

  3. I hope the gcse results are positive. Dr appointments make me feel that way too, glad you were put at ease though!

  4. The bedroom looks great ... and the excitement of the upcoming birthday(s)! #WotW

  5. Well done Becky. All her hard work has paid off. Just shows that she's on the right career path. Ellie's room looks amazing. Over she's pleased. Must be fun discovering the new shops on your doorstep. Hope you have a restful weekend.#wotw

  6. I love the Harry Potter stuff at Primark and that wall paper is lovely! Looks like your OH did a great job.
    Well done to Becky for her GCSE results, you must be very proud. #WotW

  7. My brother had wallpaper like that (not pink though) when he was younger, there was much cursing from Dad when he was putting up! Well done to Becky :D Karen - Early Rising Mum

  8. A huge well done to Becky on her GCSE result. Love the wallpaper in Ellie's room but can imagine it was fun to hang! Hope Ellie has a lovely birthday. Good luck with sorting out which hospital to go to for check-ups. Hope you are having a lovely week x #WotW
