Saturday, 17 August 2019

Week 33 of #Project365 - A photo every day for a year!

Well this is a first. Usually I write my Project 365 post on a Friday afternoon but it was my fella's birthday and I totally lost track of time and forgot about it until Becky asked what photos I had for this week! Here I am at nearly 11pm writing this post. Oops.

Now for a photo every day!

220/365 - 10th August
Ellie went off to the garage again to do her own thing. She was doing some painting.

221/365 - 11th August
Sausage casserole for Sunday lunch. It's my go to Sunday meal when I can't be bothered to cook a full roast dinner.

222/365 - 12th August
We went out shopping and Monkey had to come, of course. It was back to school shopping. £75 for 2 cardigans, 2 polo shirts and a PE top. I nearly fainted when the man in the shop told us the price! Then £20 on school trousers, £15 for a school bag, £15 for shoes and then another £30 on stationary, socks and things like that. I HATE August. Back to school shopping, Stu's birthday and Ellie's. 

223/365 - 13th August
This is the face of someone who had cycled about 10 miles, the kids kept shouting "keep on going, just a bit further". I was sweaty and aching but I had fun! The kids were wanting to go to the Humber bridge which is about 17 miles away! I am sure we'll get there one day! Before we moved house I didn't do any exercise at all so to go about 10 miles is good going for me! We take a packed lunch and always stop halfway to eat it. It's a fun, cheap day out for us.

224/365 - 14th August
I had Becky out in the back garden testing a little gadget. I needed to see how far it reached via bluetooth. She was a good sport going out into the drizzle.

225/365 - 15th August
I finally made a proper start on stripping Ellie's bedroom wallpaper. I am so glad to get the orange paper down and fingers crossed today the paint is going on and maybe the wallpaper!

226/365 - 16th August
It was Stu's birthday and I was so unorganised. I bought the pressies which were delivered on Wednesday and forgot wrapping paper. I had to wait until the food shop was delivered for it to arrive then Becky had the honour of wrapping his pressies while I made the party tea! 

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  1. That's what I look like when I think or do exercise. I need to get my bike out from wherever it's been put too. Although it's very hilly near us. Thankfully we don't need any school uniform stuff apart from school shoes which were £20 cheaper than last years luckily

  2. Happy Birthday to Stuart, good on Ellie for doing the wrapping for you. Lovely you all go out for a cycle ride together, sounds like this move has been a great success for you all.

  3. I envy the size of your shed (garage), it's so spacious. Happy belated birthday to Stuart!
    The school uniforms cost a lot. I dread ordering Sash's uniform, as it has to include a school logo and you can order only through their website, and it's a total racket.

  4. Happy birthday Stewart, glad your settling
    I'm well X

  5. You did really well cycling 10 miles, and well done on outsourcing the wrapping of the presents. Hope Stu had a lovely birthday, and yes back to school shopping is SO expensive isn't it, especially when you have August birthdays too x

  6. Thats brilliant you did ten miles, loads more than I would be able to manage. Bet you will be doing the longer ride before you know it. I also hat back to school shopping it seems to get more expensive every year. Hope Stu had a great day.

  7. Happy birthday Stu! I can't cycle at all so impressed by 10 miles, wow! #project365

  8. Happy birthday to Stu. I have not cycled much at all. That is impressive. You are doing great x

  9. Hope Stu enjoyed his birthday. Like the sound of that casserole. Eek to school shopping, is it really bad that my son will jyust be wearing what he had last month :D #365

  10. I can be very badly organised with birthdays as well, I was sitting sewing in ends on a blanket on Ziggy's Saturday night so I could wrap it for her to take. Hope he had a great birthday.
    Nice to see the garage being used and lol at sending her out in the drizzle

  11. Yep I hate August too! I have done most of the school shopping but just a few bits left...dreading having to go out and get them. Hope Stu had a lovely birthday

  12. OoOoOoo casserole! That's quite alot of money to spend on school uniform. I'm glad I don't have a uniform for college and Alevels. 13th august looks like an exciting day with all the exercise :)
