Friday, 2 August 2019

This week my Word of the Week is: Chilled! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

Where has this week gone. It has flown over. It doesn't seem a whole week since I wrote my last word of the week post. The blazing hot weather we had last week seems an age ago and I really don't know what I did over this past week.

I struggled to choose a word for this week as we haven't really got up to much. It has been quite a relaxed week and the weather has been cooler so I am going with the word chilled! 

It has been a nice week. The first week since we moved that we haven't been sorting things or going to appointments. We have had the whole week to ourselves, we could just live and do our own thing.

It's a shame that the weather hasn't been too great. On Saturday the rain started and it has been off and on all week. Becky woke up on Saturday morning with wet feet. She had forgot to shut her window. Oops. I am amazed she slept as long as she did with wet feet, I certainly couldn't.

This week we have just pottered about. I bought some craft things while we were in town on Tuesday but we haven't got around to using them yet because Ellie was a little madam on Wednesday afternoon and went storming off to her bedroom and spent most of the afternoon there. I really think the kids are not used to spending the house cooped up inside now. They were rotten to each other but we couldn't really go out with all the rain. I think they had a touch of cabin fever.

It seems Tuesday has become our day for going into town for a look around and buying whatever we need. I was going up the escalator in Primark this week and said to Stu that I've probably been in Primark more in the last month than I have in the last 5 years. lol I don't like taking the kids though, they want everything. I think once their birthdays are over with I am going to give them a little money each month to buy whatever clothes they want because every week when we go in they see something they want.

Becky finally got around to unpacking and setting up the xbox and has probably played more than she should have in the last couple of days but I'm not complaining. She's gone over a month hardly being on any electronics.

As soon as it had dried up yesterday we went to my dad's and pottered about there. The change of scene was nice. We were out most of the day and I am writing this just before 9pm last night and I am feeling ready for bed. It's amazing what a bit of fresh air does! 


  1. Sometimes it's nice to chill out for a while, even if cabin fever sets in. I'm looking forward to going nowhere all weekend. I really don't like Primark. We have the biggest one in the UK, I know how big the store is because I used to go there when it was a full of different shops, HMV was one of my favourites, and the Disney Store, but they also had the official Aston Villa store in there as well as the place where you could go and buy your bus passes. Oh, and Monsoon. At the top there was a big mixed restaurant place where you could buy anything from chinese, to baked potatoes, pizza, mexican food etc etc and eat it all in one place (great when your kids all want something different!) I can't believe the whole lot is Primark now and refuse to go there! Oh, sorry, I think I got a bit ranty there :) Here's hoping the sunshine comes back soon (it's lovely here today!) #wotw

  2. Your week sounds similar to ours, the weather has meant we've spent a lot of time indoors. Thankfully we've managed to avoid the bickering and the kids have been quite good about staying in. Poor Becky with her wet feet although I bet it was quite cooling after all the hot weather lately. I hope you have a lovely weekend x #wotw

  3. Sometimes quiet weeks are the best. Chilled is a good word to describe your week! I can remember when my kids would get cabin fever when they couldn't go outdoors in rainy weather. One time I got so fed up, I made them put their bathing suits on and go outside in the rain. It wound up being a really fun afternoon for them. :)

  4. You sound like you got a lot more rain than us. I'm with you about electronic time when the weather is less welcoming, so long as they are out the rest of the time. My lot definitely get on better if they can go outside. Hope you have a good weekend. Maybe a bit drier. #wotw

  5. Glad you had a chilled out week although shame about the weather. Hope this week has been a better one weather-wise. I’m amazed Becky managed to sleep through getting wet feet. Getting outside does wonders for us too - we get cranky cooped up indoors too so not surprised your girls have had a touch of cabin fever. #WotW
